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Varun Goel

About Varun Goel

Varun Goel is a technology enthusiast with 6+ years exp in IT industry. In fact, he is been developing application after schooling as freelancer. Currently working with one of the Fortune’s 100 Companies having vast experience Mule ESB, Tibco, HTML5, CSS, JSS, Android, Core Java, JSP, PHP, MySQL, AutoCAD, Maya, ZBrush, Photoshop, Flash CS and many more.

EMI Calculator

Home Loan EMI Calculator | Calculate EMI, Prepayments, and Repayment Strategies

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Add Loan Disbursement Details
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Add Loan Pre-payment Details
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Add Interest Change Details
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Home Loan EMI Calculator

We understand that obtaining a home loan is a significant financial decision, and managing it effectively is key to your financial well-being. That’s why we’ve developed an advanced Home Loan EMI Calculator that goes beyond the basics, taking into account various scenarios to provide you with a comprehensive financial outlook.

Calculate Your Home Loan EMI with Precision

Our Home Loan EMI Calculator is designed to be user-friendly while offering precise results. Simply input your loan amount, interest rate, and loan tenure to get an instant calculation of your monthly EMI. But that’s just the beginning – our calculator allows you to explore different disbursement methods.

Flexible Disbursement Options

Did your loan amount get disbursed in chunks, or was it a lump sum payment? Our calculator accommodates both scenarios, ensuring that your EMI calculation aligns with the unique structure of your home loan.

Adaptable to Interest Rate Changes

In the dynamic world of finance, interest rates can fluctuate. Our calculator takes this into account, allowing you to factor in changes to your interest rate over time. Stay ahead of the game and plan your finances accordingly.

Empowering You with Prepayment Options

We believe in empowering our users with financial flexibility. Whether you make monthly, alternative monthly, or yearly prepayments, our calculator allows you to see the impact on your EMI and overall loan tenure. Plan your prepayments strategically to reduce your debt burden faster.

Choose Your Repayment Strategy

Introducing a new dimension to your home loan planning – our calculator now lets you calculate EMIs for a fixed tenure or reduced EMI. Whether you prefer the consistency of fixed EMIs or the flexibility of reduced payments, our calculator helps you visualize the financial implications of each option

Why Choose TutorialsAtoZ.com Home Loan EMI Calculator?

  • Accuracy: Our calculator provides accurate EMI calculations, considering various loan scenarios.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easily navigate through the calculator and customize inputs based on your unique loan structure.
  • Comprehensive Planning: Plan for the future by accounting for interest rate changes and prepayment options.

Start Your Financial Journey with Confidence

At TutorialsAtoZ.com, we believe in making your home loan journey as transparent and stress-free as possible. Our Home Loan EMI Calculator is a testament to our commitment to your financial well-being. Take control of your finances and plan your home loan repayments with confidence.

Ready to explore your home loan EMI and optimize your repayment strategy? Use our Home Loan EMI Calculator now!

Being Healthy

How To Be Happy: 9 Secrets To a Happy Life

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Here are very simple 9 ways how one can live a happy and peaceful life, even if he is going through hard time in life.

  1. Read Holy Books

One must read his holy book no matter which religion he belongs to, as it introduces to the reality of life and blesses with the divine light. Faith is one of the most powerful tool that gives you the strength to overcome your biggest problems and fears.

Do read “Bhagavad Gita by Srila Prabhupada”. This book has the answers to all the mysteries of life, how we can attain happiness and it will help you make right decisions in every face of life. This book is one of the best motivational books you can ever find. Even if you are an atheist or believe some other religion just read it as a textbook.


  1. Ultimate truth – World of Sorrow and pain

As ‘Vidhyalaya’ (School in Hindi) is a place where education is given, similarly this world is a ‘Dukhalaya’ (world of sorrow) where we come to repay for the sins we had done in our past lives.

One should accept the hard reality, that we came in this world to repay for bad things we had done in our previous life. And accept the fact that pain and sorrow are bound to come no matter how rich or wealthy we become.


  1. Materialist world

One of the main reasons of sadness and sorrows are attachment to materialist objects. This world is full of materialistic objects and we humans easily fall into their trap and suffer. If one works on this duties and responsibilities selflessly, with minimal desire, he will have the strength to walk happily in most difficult time. These materialist desires lead people to do bad things or sinful activities. As per Bhagavad Gita, everything that exist in this world is materialistic except God himself and one should focus to achieve him.


  1. Law of karma

Everything is preplanned by All Mighty. And it’s all decided by your Karma.

Karma can be broadly categorized into-

Bad Karma – You get pain and sorrow because of your bad actions/sins that you have done in this or previous life.

Good Karma – You attain success, happiness because of your good actions done previously.

Law of karma Says – No matter what you do, you have to pay for your sins in this life or in next, and good karma cannot reduce or cancel your bad karmas.

If you face sorrow or pain in life remember God and let the bad phase pass. And like a good investment plan, do good to others selflessly, so that in future you get its return.


  1. Heaven is not the destination, but Mukti/Moksha is.

As per Bhagavata Gita, the ultimate destination of one’s soul is to reach  God (by attaining Moksha). Moksha is where soul gets rid of endless cycle of birth and death. One’s soul goes to heaven or hell based on his/her karma; or gets joy of heaven or pain like hell during his life on earth, once this tenure ends the soul is sent back to earth where it gets a new life; and cycle of life  begins again. To get rid of these birth death and rebirth, one should pray on regular basis and should remember god at time of death.

  1. Do what you are meant to do

As per Bhagavata Gita, one should work towards completing his responsibilities and duties. As a parent, as a spouse, as a sibling, as a child, as employee or employer in which ever role you are, one should fulfil it without any expectation or lust. Decision towards acting/on acting towards your responsibilities and duties also leads to karma.


  1. Do good in good times

One of the key mantra to be happy is to help others in need when you can. You can do this by starting with donating food or unwanted clothes. And trust me when you are in your bad time, these donations you made will give you a lot of motivation and peace of mind that you helped someone in need and god will help you when you need him.


  1. Pray and remember God

One should remember god in good and bad times. In good time one should thank him for his blessing on us and in bad time one should remember him as sooner or later he is the one who will take you out of all your miseries.


  1. Change your goal of life

Your goal in life, should be to achieve God by following his path. If your goal in life is to achieve materialistic desire (like money) then you will face sorrow in failing to achieve it, but if your end goal is to attain God and materialistic desire as secondary, there is a  very high possibility that you will face minimum pain if you fail in achieving materialistic desire.


Mule 4 Mulesoft Tutorial

Mask | Masking in Mulesoft Using Custom Function

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Masking in Mule 4| In this tutorial will see how we can mask or encrypt json / xml fields in Mule 4, while printing logs or hiding PII data.

Mule too have an inbuild mask function to support masking (Link), but it has couple of drawbacks.

  1. With mule mask function you can mask only 1 field at a time. For masking multiple fields, you need to write same function multiple times, which makes it useless in most of the scenarios.
  2. With this mule mask function, you can mask / encrypt the field value, but then you won’t be able to get the original value back.

With the given tutorial you would be able to overcome both the above problems by writing simple dataweave script.

%dw 2.0
fun mask(content, y) = 
    if(typeOf(content)  ~= "Object")
    (content mapObject (value, key) -> {(    
        if((y contains ((key) as String)) and (typeOf(value) ~= 'String' or typeOf(value) ~= 'Boolean' or typeOf(value) ~= 'Number'))
            ((key): mask( ("*****"),y) )
            ((key): mask(value,y))     
else if(typeOf(content)  ~= "Array") 
    (content map mask($,y))

In the above dataweave script, function excepts 2 input param:

  1. content -> Payload (JSON/XML)
  2. Y -> Fields needed to be encrypted (Array)

How above masking script works:-

This function checks the payload type

  • If its Object, then loop through each field in that object and mask/encrypt fields that matches with field name defined in 2nd param Y and fields that are String, Boolean or Number.
  • If its an Array then loop further inside array using same calling function.

Below is the screenshot of the script in action:

There might be chance, where you would need to use masking script to encrypt various fields again and again in various dataweave transformation or while logging. Rather than writing whole script again; one of best way is to create an importable dataweave class that can be externalized and used easily in every transformation needed in a single line.

You can do this be creating below dwl file in “src/main/resources/modules/” Mule project.

DWL filename – “maskFields.dwl

%dw 2.0
var maskKeyValue = (function, x = [], y = []) -> function (x, read(y default "[]","application/json"))
fun mask(content, y) = 
    if(typeOf(content)  ~= "Object")
    (content mapObject (value, key) -> {(    
        if((y contains ((key) as String)) and (typeOf(value) ~= 'String' or typeOf(value) ~= 'Boolean' or typeOf(value) ~= 'Number'))
            ((key): mask( ("*****"),y) )
            ((key): mask(value,y))     
else if(typeOf(content)  ~= "Array") 
    (content map mask($,y))

And now in your xml code you can call this dwl as below –

%dw 2.0
import modules::maskJsonField
output application/json
maskFields::maskKeyValue(maskFields::mask, payload, ["name","age","street"])


Using prop file storing fields to be mask.

%dw 2.0
import modules::maskJsonField
output application/json
maskFields::maskKeyValue(maskFields::mask, payload, Mule::p("fieldsToMask") default "[]")

dev.yml (property file) –
fieldsToMask : [\”NAME\”, \”age\”, \”street\”]

Mule 4 Mulesoft Tutorial

Salesforce – Job Info, Batch Info, Batch Result

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In our previous tutorial “CREATE BULK JOB SALESFORCE CONNECTOR” we covered on creating bulk jobs in salesforce via mule 4. In this tutorial to fetch the details related to the job created, like how many records/batches failed, successful records/batches and its number  or current status of the job; we will be using salesforce connector components provided by Mule.

We will be covering following salesforce connector in Mule 4:

  1. Job Info
  2. Batch Info List
  3. Batch Info
  4. Batch result stream
  5. Batch result


Job Info

Salesforce Job Info connector is used to get the details for a particular job that has been created in salesforce. This operation enables you to track the execution status.


On successful execution of the “job info” below in the output:

Configuration –

Output –


Batch Info List

Salesforce Batch Info List connector get information about all batches in a job.


On successful execution of the “job info” below in the output:

Configuration –

Output –


Batch Info

Salesforce Batch Info connector get information about a particular batch inside a job.


Batch Info Parameter should contain Job Id and Batch Id for which details needs to be fetched.

On successful execution of the “job info” below in the output:

Configuration –
We will be sending JobId and id (batch Id) to Batch Info, to retrieve batch details.

Output –


Batch result

Salesforce Batch result connector get the result of the records processed inside a particular batch.


Batch To Retrieve Parameter should contain Job Id and Batch Id for which details needs to be fetched.

On successful execution of the “job info” below in the output:

Configuration –
We will be sending JobId and id (batch Id) to Batch result, to retrieve batch result.

Output –


Batch Result Stream

Salesforce Batch Result Stream connector get the result of the records processed inside a particular batch. Best used when there are huge records result to be pulled.


Batch To Retrieve Parameter should contain Job Id and Batch Id for which details needs to be fetched.
Streaming Strategy can store data in Memory with “Repeatable In Memory Stream” Config and stores data in file with “Repeatable File Store Stream”

On successful execution of the “job info” below in the output:

Configuration –
We will be sending JobId and id (batch Id) to Batch Result Stream, to retrieve batch result.

Output –


Download Mule Project for this tutorial


Official Mule 4 documentation on Jobs and Batch. Link.
Also refer to Bulk API Guide on Salesforce. Link


Mulesoft Tutorial

Create Bulk Job Salesforce Connector – Mule 4

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MuleSoft Bulk Create Job Salesforce Connector

We might need to create bulk jobs in salesforce to perform insert, update or delete on huge records, also once the bulk job created in salesforce, the job runs in background.  In this tutorial we will be looking into how we can create job in Salesforce via Mule 4.

In this Salesforce Mule 4 tutorial we will be using below Mule 4 Salesforce connector to create Bulk V1 job in Salesforce:

  • Create Job
  • Create Batch
  • Close Job

We will be creating Bulk V1 Job with Upsert operation, in salesforce on Account Object. We will be sending Account details as JSON request to Mule 4 application, the application will then be creating a Bulk V1 job with multiple batches inside it. Once all the data is loaded into salesforce Bulk V1 job, mule 4 application will be closing the Bulk V1 job, so no other records or batches can be added to the Bulk V1 job.
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Mule 4 Mulesoft Basics Mulesoft Tutorial

Variables in Mule 4

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Variable in Mule 4

In this Variable in Mule 4 tutorial we will look how we can create and use mule variable in Mule 4, and how it is different from Mule 3 and Mule 4.

In Mule 3 we had Flow variables, Session variables and record variable to store the data inside mule flow. But now in Mule 4 this has been changed; session variable and record variable has been removed and there is only Flow Variable.

As in Mule 3, Flow Variable in Mule 4 value is lost even when the flow crosses the transport barrier.
Session variable has been completely removed in Mule 4.

In Mule 4, flow variables have been enhanced to work efficiently during batch processing, just like the record variables. Flow variables created in batch steps are now automatically tied to the processing record and stays with it throughout the processing phase. No longer record variables are needed.
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Mulesoft Tutorial

Externalizing Error Handling and Flows In Mule 4

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While building multiple APIs, we might want to export common flows that are used across or global error handling framework that is common for all the APIs. This is helpful incase; any changes to common flow, we need not end up making code changes to all the APIs across.

In this “Externalizing Common Flows In Mule 4” tutorial we will be looking in how we can export common flows/error handling to an external JAR and import them in our APIs.

In the below example we have a flow “commonlogggerFlow” and exception handler “commonExceptionHandler” that is been used across multiple API as is and needs to be externalized.

For externalizing the flows, we need to create a new mule 4 Project and add the flows that we need to externalize in here. In this case we will be adding commonloggerFlow and commonExceptionHandler into new mule 4 project commonFlows.

Once done, then we need to export our new project as Mule 4 Deployable Archive. This will give us a  Mule 4 JAR file that needs to be imported into our projects.
Right click on the Project > Select Export > Select Anypoint Studio to Mule Deployable Archive >  Select path to be exported

Now, in our main project we will import this jar as a maven dependency.
Right click on Project > Mule > Add Maven Dependency > Select the JAR that we have exported.

Above steps will added the jar to local maven repository and also create a dependency in pom.xml

Once we have imported the jar as maven dependency, we need to specify Mule file name present in the JAR in our Mule Project.
Go to Global Elements > Create > Expand Global Configuration > Import

With this configuration we can now refer to common flows or common error handling defined inside the JAR.

Mule 4 Mulesoft Basics Mulesoft Tutorial

Retry Mechanism – Until Success Vs Flow Reference

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Retry Mechanism – Until Success Vs Flow Reference

In mule 3 we have roll back exception strategy which enable’s the ability to retry the execution in case of error and define a separate flow to be executed once the retry count has exceeded.

In mule 4 you do have re-connection strategy which we can define on the connectors but that only retries in case of failure in connection. In Mule 4 we do not have roll back exception strategy, so in this tutorial we will be looking on how we can implement the same functionality in Mule 4.

To achieve this retry mechanism, we can use Until Successful, but the issue we will face are:

  1. We would not be able to specify any specific condition on which retry should happen . For Example: We will not be able to define retry only when HTTP status code is 202.
  2. We also cannot implement error flow, once an error has occurred. For Example: Every time an error is generated we need to send the error message on to a queue before retrying.

Scenario 1: We want to implement retry mechanism on Web service call, in case of error if HTTP status code is 502 then, API should retry its Web Service Call only 3 times.

To complete the above scenario, we will be using Flow Reference.

Flow Reference in Mule 3 was not able to call its own flow in which it was defined. But in Mule 4 you can call any flow even its own flow.

Flow Diagram:

All we need is to use is flow reference to call its own flow when an error is generated. We have moved HTTP Request to another flow “HTTPFlow” and is referred by flow reference in main flow “get:\users:test-config”.

Inside HTTPFlow we have HTTP Request call on which we have implement retry mechanism. In Error handling part, “On Error Continue” is checking for the retry count if it has reached to its max or not. Inside error flow of “On Error Continue” retry count value is getting incremented and after some seconds of sleep; flow reference will again call HTTPFlow. Once the retry count has reached to its max “On Error Continue” will no longer catch the error and the final error is throw back to its parent flow.

    <flow name="get:\users:test-config">
    <ee:transform xmlns:ee="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/ee/core" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/ee/core http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/ee/core/current/mule-ee.xsd" doc:id="86de922d-7d4d-4d0a-b010-e1cf9e23a79d">
                <ee:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
output application/json
  userID: [
  userName: "Varun",
  subject: [
  class: {
    name: "Class 10"
    <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="897eb15a-c379-4051-ae78-21ebbbf33cd1" />	
      <set-variable value="1" doc:name="SetRetryCount" doc:id="ae08693c-0c8e-4397-b5e2-235b8b288821" variableName="retryCount" />
    <flow-ref doc:name="HTTPFlow" doc:id="84ab16f4-0fa5-4ac4-a73e-80dd7ab20ea0" name="HTTPFlow"/>
    <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="92727a36-d8ed-4ea1-8616-3c0537598400" />
  <flow name="HTTPFlow" doc:id="610bee6d-59f2-4f77-a29e-d60b88aaea01" >
    <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="38537854-3f21-48a7-a6a6-31907d8bca90" message="Calling HTTP request count - #[(vars.retryCount default 0)]" />
    <http:request method="GET" doc:name="HTTPCall" doc:id="c766093c-c7ac-444f-914d-cd4d1b70676d" config-ref="HTTP_Request_configuration" path="/abc">
      <reconnect />
    <error-handler >
      <on-error-continue enableNotifications="true" logException="true" doc:name="On Error Continue" doc:id="8d23329f-b006-4a56-b6a7-6e33eb748957" when="#[(vars.retryCount as Number default 0) &lt; 3 and error.muleMessage.attributes.StatusCode == 503]">
        <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="1be75ffe-a4bf-4fe1-9802-ae1309d76341" message="#[error.description]"/>
        <set-variable value="#[(vars.retryCount default 0) +1]" doc:name="Increment retryCount" doc:id="a9877e1d-d1f5-4786-93e9-58126d08f3f4" variableName="retryCount"/>
        <scripting:execute doc:name="Sleep" doc:id="531bc61a-937d-4a0c-81ce-1ea0685ce64f" engine="groovy">
          <scripting:code >def duration = Long.valueOf('3000');
return message.payload;</scripting:code>
        <flow-ref doc:name="HTTPFlow" doc:id="3f37c302-ec9a-4751-ab4e-dcdefb2607f5" name="HTTPFlow"/>


Scenario 2: Here we want to implement retry mechanism on Web service call when a specific value is received. Example if a web service call returns a value 5 then retry should happen maximum 3 times else not.


We have moved HTTP Request to sub flow “testSub_Flow” and is referred by flow reference in its parent flow “post:\users:application\json:test-config”.

Inside testSub_Flow  we are using flow reference to call itself. Once we have received the response from web service call “Request“, Choice router we are routeing flow processing based on response received and number of retires number.


Mule 4 Mulesoft Basics Mulesoft Tutorial

Parallel For Each in Mule 4

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The Parallel For-Each scope enables you to process a collection of messages by splitting the collection into parts that are simultaneously processed in separate routes. After all messages are processed, the results are aggregated following the same order they were in before the split, and then the flow continues.

In the below tutorial we will see who we can use parallel for each in you project.

Download Parallel For Each Example


<parallel-foreach doc:name="parallel For Each" collection="payload">
<!-- Code to be Processed parallel -->

Parallel For Each

In this example we will send a JSON message as an array, which will be split by parallel for each and executed in parallel.
Inside parallel for each we are transforming the message received with a delay of 5 sec, so that we can clearly see in logs in our API has processed messages in parallel or not.

<sub-flow name="addUsersParallelForEach" doc:id="5820e110-740b-48aa-baf2-b4f0fa68716a" >
  <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Log Request" doc:id="53992e7f-84cf-4c29-bb74-2be27a2ececf" message="'request received - ' #[payload]"/>
    <parallel-foreach doc:name="parallel For Each" doc:id="81acc47f-7b50-4806-95ea-6e7f24cd6683" collection="payload">
      <ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="751032f3-11f6-4ce3-b136-73e534bd6224" >
        <ee:message >
          <ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
import * from dw::Runtime
output application/json
msg : payload.username ++ ' processed' wait 5000]]></ee:set-payload>
        <ee:variables >
      <logger level="INFO" doc:name="for-each output" doc:id="bfe598c4-6b02-4d36-8fa9-00d9cb2a8cce" message="for-each output:  #[payload]"/>
    <set-payload value="#[%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload]" doc:name="Set Payload" doc:id="989fedef-40e2-4e74-87e6-577bebca3b4c" />
    <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="fa4eb2fb-a70c-4489-aaff-81eafa03213f" message="#[payload]"/>



Logs: In the logs we can see that the messages are processed in parallel.

Parallel Processing in Batches

In this example we will execute parallel processing but in batches. If we are connecting to an external system (suppose salesforce), and need to send the request in batches of 200 and all the batches should be executed in parallel.
How can we achieve this? is simple, by using divideBy function.

<parallel-foreach doc:name="parallel For Each" doc:id="3641e6b1-e499-4528-b6f6-d9ad7545368e" collection="#[import * from dw::core::Arrays output application/json --- payload divideBy 2]">

Here for example, if we receive 10 records. 10 records will be spit/divided into sets of 2 and 5 jobs will be created that will executed in parallel and processed.

In the below code we are dividing the payload received into set of 2, then transforming the message received with a delay of 5 sec so that we can clearly see in API logs if messages processed in parallel or not.

<sub-flow name="addUsersBatchParallelForEach" doc:id="aedbbefb-d38f-4ee1-a7e3-dc537645da5e" >
  <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Log Request" doc:id="1e9de3c9-cce7-4744-9010-c3b9b2a100ab" message="'request received - ' #[payload]"/>
    <parallel-foreach doc:name="parallel For Each" doc:id="3641e6b1-e499-4528-b6f6-d9ad7545368e" collection="#[import * from dw::core::Arrays output application/json --- payload divideBy 2]">
      <flow-ref doc:name="Flow Reference" doc:id="2bf73bb0-1916-47fd-967d-4cdde18428f3" name="addUsersSub_Flow_BatchParallelForEach"/>
    <set-payload value="#[%dw 2.0
output application/json
flatten (payload.payload)]" doc:name="Set Payload" doc:id="bbee3431-7975-4528-93cf-3955ee4011cc" />
    <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="fffae7bf-573d-4b27-9a69-26ecedde5d78" message="#[payload]"/>
  <sub-flow name="addUsersSub_Flow_BatchParallelForEach" doc:id="eb15de26-5035-47ab-8183-4e6efbe49b80">
  <ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="eaaebb0c-539a-4269-8295-2701b5c6397a" >
        <ee:message >
          <ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
import * from dw::Runtime
output application/json
(payload map {
  msg : $.username ++ ' processed' 
}) wait 5000 
        <ee:variables >
      <logger level="INFO" doc:name="for-each output" doc:id="198b6135-10e6-4882-bd1d-1686dd3f49fd" message="for-each output:  #[payload]"/>

To get only the message payload received after processing we are using flatten (payload.payload)


Mule 4 Mulesoft Basics Mulesoft Tutorial

Executing Dataweave Dynamically

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In case we want our Dataweave expression outside mule project, load and process it at runtime then you would need Dynamic Evaluate component.

Download Dynamic Evaluate Project Example

In a scenario wherein dataweave mapping conditions are expected to change frequently based on client’s requirements and you don’t want to redeploy running APIs again and again, in such scenario we can store our dataweave expression in a DB or S3 or other location and access and process it dynamically in our Mule API. Any changes made to this external datawave will be picked up by Mule while reading it from external source and processed.

In the below example we are using variable dynamic_dw to store the datawave expression as a String. In a real world this datawave expression should be coming from an external source like DB or SFTP or others and getting stored in a variable.




<sub-flow name="dynamic-evaluateSub_Flow" doc:id="2145c3c0-5196-418f-9dd3-adf06966cc4a" >
  <set-variable value="#[%dw 2.0 
output application/json 
payload]" doc:name="Store payload" doc:id="18b55a69-28fd-48ae-9344-f80e9be3ffc6" variableName="reqReceived"/>
  <set-variable value="#['%dw 2.0 output application/json --- vars.reqReceived.username']" doc:name="datawave received from external source" doc:id="29aebfba-73e4-41b3-9f3f-e508f98da413" variableName="dynamic_dw"/>
  <logger level="INFO" doc:name="datawave received" doc:id="672895f7-42e8-4c25-8dca-b11bd61634b3" message="#['script - ' ++ vars.dynamic_dw]"/>
  <ee:dynamic-evaluate doc:name="Dynamic Evaluate" doc:id="59d877bb-36ba-4193-bf72-df5083a06d22" expression="#[vars.dynamic_dw]"/>
  <logger level="INFO" doc:name="output" doc:id="fea7a7e5-b8d3-4726-80b8-a846c3794a71" message="#[payload]"/>


Mule 4 Mulesoft Tutorial

Error Handling In Mule 4

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In this tutorial of “Error Handling In Mule 4” we will be understand about various types of error handling and how we can implement it in our project with an example.

There are 3 types of error handling mechanism in Mule 4.

  1. On Error Continue
  2. On Error Propagate
  3. Try Catch Scope

On Error Continue

On-Error Continue catches the error, and do not report it as an error; thus the processing of the flow continues even after the error has occurred. This error handler can be used in flows where you don’t want to stop the flow processing even if an error has occurred.

For example in the below flow, the parent flow will execute till the end even if web consumer has returned an error.

SchedulerFlow is calling flow callWebService flow, in case of any error at point 9 (at web service consumer) the flow will process as follows: 1->2->3->7->8->9->12->13->4.
Here at point 13 the error is send to its parent flow (SchedulerFlow) as flow message, and parent flow executes its processing further.

On Error Propagate

On Error Propagate works exactly as Mule 3 Catch exception strategy. In case on any error, On Error Propagate processes the error message and re-throws the error to its parent flow. No further processing is done on that particular flow.

For example in the below Flow, when flow execution starts, point 1, 2, 3 will execute first, on error at point 3 the error is catch by on-error propagate and error processing begins with point 6, 7; once the error handling flow is completed the flow processing ends and an error is re-thrown to its parent flow.

In can of no error or happy scenario point 1,2,3,4,5 are executed, in case of error at point 3; point 1,2,3,6,7 are executed.

In the second example below, SchedulerFlow is calling flow callWebService flow, in case of any error at point 9 (at web service consumer) the flow will process as follows: 1->2->3->7->8->9->12->13->5->6.
Here at point 13 the error is thrown to its parent flow (SchedulerFlow), and parent flow error handler is invoked.

Try Catch Scope

Try catch scope can be used within a flow to do error handling of just inner components. Try catch scope can be very useful in cases where we want to add separate error processing strategy for various components in the flow.

For example: In case of error at point 3 (at web service consumer) the flow will process as follows: 1->2->3->7->8->10->11.
In case of error at point 5 (at saleforces connector) the flow will process as follows: 1->2->3->4->5->9->6.


Configuring On-Error Continue and On-Error Propagate

As in Mule 3 we had to specify which error is to be catch inside the catch exception strategy, same we can do in Mule 4 with even more control.

In Mule 4 we can specify Error Type and/or When Condition which when is evaluated true that particular error handler is executed. In case none error handler catches the error the error is re-thrown to its parent flow. 

Error Type: This matches with the type of error that is thrown. Error Type are auto populated based on connectors used in the flow. It contains the list of errors that the connectors can throw in the flow.


When Condition: The expression that will be evaluated to determine if the exception strategy could be executed. This should always be boolean expression. 

In below example when variable errorCount is greater than 3 then only that particular error handler is invoked.

Mule 4 Mulesoft Tutorial

Creating MUnits Mule 4

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In this tutorial, we will be creating Munits for a simple flow that listens over REST HTTP, send the request to salesforce (via a salesforce connector) and returns a JSON Message in response. The response returned, will be asserted with the expected response.

Creating Munits

To build Munits you need to right click API router and select “Create Test Suite for [File Name] from RAML”. This will auto create a basic structure of Munits for you.

The Munits auto created will generally have:

  • All the Munits generated for flows that are mentioned in that RAML or WSDL.
  • Each Munit flow will have “Set Payload” component that will contain the request message that is needed before starting the flow. This request message is auto picked from RAML if example is defined. MunitTools::getResourceAsString reads the file been specified.
  • In Execution section in each Munit flow there will be a flow starter, that will send the request message to a specific flow that needs to be tested out. It can be a flow reference, VM, HTTP “Request” in case of REST service or “Consumer” incase it’s a SOAP service based on the flow to be tested. Since we have build a REST service using RAML; Mule 4 automatically adds an HTTP “Request” component to it. **You might need to configure HTTP Requester or Web Consumer inside Munits so it can call your API’s endpoint.
  • In Validation section; Mule 4 auto adds assertions. One checks for the HTTP status code been returned by the API and other on checks for the final response returned by the Mule flow and compared it with the expected response. The expected response is auto picked by Mule 4 if its already defined in RAML inside response example.


Running Munits

You can go ahead and run Munits by right clicking and selection “Run MUnit Suite”.

You can also run Munits from command prompt, just open your command prompt and go to the project root folder and type “mvn test”. This will run you MUnits from command prompt.

Why To Mock Connectors?

If we are not mocking our connectors, on running munits mule 4 will actually connect post request to the external environment through connectors used in out project. In this project since we are using salesforce connector to connect to salesforce environment, on running munits the flow connects to salesforces environment and post its request there. This can be a problem if we want to deploy our application on Production servers; data can get modified even before Mule APIs is deployed successfully.
Thus, mocking all your connectors, ensures that it doesn’t connect to external environment and uses predefined response every time.

How to Mock?

To Mock a connector, we need to place “Mock When” in Behavior section. And define its configuration.

You can set the processor attribute to define the processor to mock with the connector namespace and operation; and the with-attribute element to define the connector’s attribute name and value so that mule can identify which connector is to be mocked. “Then-return” you can define the message that is to be returned by the connector.

With this much configuration we are done with our MUnits.

Mule 4 Mulesoft Basics Mulesoft Tutorial

Creating Mule 4 Project with RAML

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Creating Mule 4 Project with RAML

In this Mule tutorial we will learn how to Create Mule 4 project with RAML and a detailed walk-through on how the Mule flow works in case of a success or error scenario:

Mule ESB – What is RAML and why it’s used

RAML stands for RESTful API Modeling Language and is similar to WSDL. A RAML provides a structure to the API which is useful for developers to start there development process and also helps client who is invoking the API to know before hand what the API does.

A RAML contains:

  1. Endpoint URL with its Query parameters and URI parameters,
  2. HTTP methods to which API is listening to (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE),
  3. Request and response schema and sample message,
  4. HTTP response code that an API will return (eg: 200, 400, 404, 500). Continue reading
Mule 4 Mulesoft Basics Mulesoft Tutorial

Inbound Outbound Properties

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In this “Inbound Outbound Properties” tutorial of Mule 4 we will look on how we can set and modify Mule Inbound and Outbound Properties.

In Mule Inbound properties referees to the additional information that comes to an Mule API along with the message body/payload itself. It may consist of inbound Headers, Query Params, URI Params, HTTP method etc.
In Mule Inbound properties are preset by the sender of the message thus cannot be added or modified.

Mule Outbound Properties are headers and properties that Mule API set before ending its request to other external systems.

Inbound Properties
In Mule 3 we used to access inbound properties by #[message.inboundProperties]

Whereas in Mule 4 we access these properties by #[attributes]

We have create a simple project using RAML.
The GET method of the RAML has URI Param – user_id, which can assess by #[attributes.uriParams['user_id']]

Similarly to access Query Param we do it by #[attributes.queryParams['code']]

To view all the Inbound Properties that are received by a Mule API:


Output :


Outbound Properties
As in Mule 3 we used to set outbound properties via using Set Property Component.
In Mule 4, outbound properties no longer exist. Instead, the headers or properties (e.g. HTTP headers or JMS properties) that you wish to send as part of a request or message (e.g. HTTP request or JMS message) respectively are now configured explicitly as part of the connector operation configuration. 
To Set the outbound HTTP headers and HTTP status code for a Mule API we need to modify the HTTP Listener Configuration.

SoapUI Output –

XML Tutorial

XML Namespace

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XML Namespace

Namespace avoid conflicts with element.  For example: In the example below the XML has 2 section one for book author details and other one is having the details of library customers. Both elements have similar tags that might be bight confusing. So to make it more simpler to understand we use namespaces.

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
      <name>Honey Maxi</name>
      <name>Jack Mauga</name>
      <name>Zaphod Beeblebrox</name>
      <name>June Hox</name>
Defining a Namespace

Syntax: xmlns:prefix=”URI

xmlns – Namespace declaration always starts with xmlns which stands for XML namespace.
prefix – Then there is a prefix. The prefix can be any name that adds meaning to the element name.
URI – URI is defined to uniquely identify namespace. An XML cannot have 2 same URI, URI should always be unique.

There are multiple places we can define a namespace:

  • Inside a element
    <author xmlns:author="https://www.tutorialsatoz.com/author">
  • Inside a root element
    <library xmlns:customer="https://www.tutorialsatoz.com/customer" xmlns:author="https://www.tutorialsatoz.com/author">
  • Inside XML definition
    <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" 
Referring Defined Namespace

Once we have defined our namespace we need to refer our elements using the prefix defined.

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" 
      <author:name>Honey Maxi</author:name>
      <author:name>Jack Mauga</author:name>
      <customer:name>Zaphod Beeblebrox</customer:name>
      <customer:name>June Hox</customer:name>
XML Tutorial

Creating a Simple XML

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Creating a Simple XML
When use elements and attributes?

Usage of attributes or elements is usually decided by the data you are trying to model.

For instance, if a certain entity is PART of the data, then it is advisable to make it an element. For example the name of the employee is an essential part of the employee data.

Now if you want to convey METADATA about data (something that provides additional information about the data) but is not really part of the data, then it is better to make it an attribute. For instance, lets say each employee has a GUID needed for back end processing, then making it an attribute is better.(GUID is not something that conveys really useful information to someone looking at the xml, but might be necessary for other purposes).

Data repeats (1 to many), it’s probably an element

Data never repeats, and only makes sense when correlated to something else, it’s an attribute.

There is no rule as such that says something should be an attribute or a element.

Its not necessary to AVOID attributes at all costs..Sometimes they are easier to model, than elements. It really depends on the data you are trying to represent.

Creating an XML with an example:

Here we will be creating an XML for book Library. The following data we need to have in the XML –

  • Book name
  • Book Author
  • Issued To
  • Issued Date
  • Returned Date
Sample 1:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
  <book name='Guide to the Galaxy 2' author='Honey Maxi'>
        <issued name='Zaphod Beeblebrox'>
    <book name='On the Run' author='Jack Mauga'>
    <issued name='June Hox'>
Sample 2:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
    <book name='Guide to the Galaxy 2'>
    <author>Honey Maxi</author>
    <author>Kira Maxi</author>
      <name>Zaphod Beeblebrox</name>
    <book name='On the Run'>
    <author>Jack Mauga</author>
      <name>June Hox</name>
Sample 3:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
  <book name='Guide to the Galaxy 2'>
      <author>Honey Maxi</author>
        <to>Zaphod Beeblebrox</to>
  <book name='On the Run'>
      <author>Jack Mauga</author>
        <to>June Hox</to>
XML Tutorial

Understanding XML Structure

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XML Structure

XML has XML Definition, below it Root element and inside it its child elements and attribute.

To write a correct XML we need flow few guidelines:

XML Syntax:

<XML Definition>
1. XML Definition:

This is an optional field, but used in most of the XML. This field comes at the very start of your XML and should not even have any space or character before it. This defines the metadata for the XML been used below. It contains XML version and XML file encoding.

XML file Encoding – File encoding depicts various characters a particular file may have. Every encoding have different sets of characters build into it. For example: If you live in US for example, you could go pretty far with ASCII. But in many counties we need characters like ä, å, ü etc. (If so was ASCII only or you try to read this text as ASCII encoded text, you’d see some weird characters in the places of ä, å and ü.) Think also the China, Japan, Thailand and other “exotic” countries, you might need more verity of characters thus need to use a different encoding type.
There are various different types of file encoding, example: UTF-8 (most commonly used), UTF-16, UTF-32, ISO-8859 etc.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2. Root Element

This is a mandatory field, and is the parent of all the elements. All the other elements to be defined in XML should and must come inside one root element. There can only be one root element in the XML. Here “student” is the root element and also the parent element to its child element “firstname” and “lastname

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3. Child Elements

All the other elements defined comes inside root element. Which can have other elements or attributes in it.

XML has 2 basic components

  • Elements
  • Attribute

Elements are building blocks of XML. Element are defined using tags. There are closing and opening tag in every element in XML.

Opening Tag:


Closing Tag:


Both opening and closing tags when combined together creates element


Elements can have opening tag; and closing tag inside it. Such elements will not hold any text data inside it. Also know as Empty Elements or empty tag.

<firstname />
Elements may contain attributes, text data or other elements inside it know as child elements.Examples:

  • Elements with Text data
  • Element with attribute
    <firstname gender="female">Varun</firstname>
  • Element with Child Elements: All the elements inside parent element are referred as child elements. Here “student” is an parent element to child element “firstname“.
        <firstname gender="male">Varun</firstname>

Attributes are part of elements and are defined only in opening tag of an element. Attributes define addition information to the element, more of a metadata. There can be no or multiple attributes to an element.
Syntax: name=”vaule”

<firstname gender="female">Varun</firstname>

Here we have defined attribute gender=”male”.


XML Tutorial

XML – Why and Its Uses

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XML stands for Extensible Markup Language.
Why use XML

Suppose, communication is to be established between applications by sending messages. Application A wants to send first names and last name of students to application B and B on receiving the message should acknowledge it sending message “Accepted”. There are many different message formats in which application A can send message to application B. They won’t be able to properly communicate until a proper message structure is defined between application A and B.

Thus, XML defines a message structure for the data that needs to be communicated between different applications.

Other Uses of XML

  • XML can be used to store data.
  • Better for rendering data in a structure format, i.e. records and lists and trees
  • Its is used by many programming tools/software.
  • Can be used to render HTML
Why XML is so widely used

  • Validation – XML allows validation of its data and structure using XSD or Schema.
  • Searchable – Content inside XML can be easily searched using XPATH or XQuery
  • Transformation – XSLT can be used to transform data in XML into desired format.
  • Parsing – XML has Parsing standards: DOM, SAX, StAX
Example of XML



Mulesoft Tutorial

How to grow hairs Naturally

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There are no shortcuts to growing luscious, long locks. On average, hair grows about a half an inch per month. Your general health, well-being, and genetic factors affect your rate of hair growth.

You can encourage hair growth by maintaining healthy hair through a good diet and proper hair care. Certain herbs can help make your hair grow faster, too.

Here are the top 10 ways to help your hair grow faster naturally.

1. Eat a healthy diet

Eating a diet rich in protein and vital vitamins and minerals is an essential prerequisite to healthy hair growth. Opt for foods high in vitamins A, B, C, and E, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, and selenium. Vitamin B-complex, in particular, is extremely important for making your hair grow faster.

So, include a variety of foods like milk, cheese, yogurt, chicken, eggs, whole grains, salmon, spinach, broccoli, bell peppers, cabbage, parsley, grapefruit, avocado, brown bread, oats, and alfalfa in your diet to nourish your hair and scalp. Plus, drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices, such as orange, grapefruit, carrot, beet, and lettuce juice.

Fish, flax seeds, walnuts, beans, winter squash, olive oil, and other foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are also good for hair growth as about 3% of a hair shaft is made up of omega-3 fatty acids.

Avoid nutritional deficiencies because they tend to affect your hair adversely. For example, vitamin E and zinc deficiencies lead to hair thinning and loss.

2. Use castor oil

Being rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids, especially omega-9 fatty acids, castor oil promotes hair growth naturally.

  • As this oil is quite viscous, mix the castor oil with an equal amount of coconut, olive, or almond oil. Massage your scalp with it and leave it on for 30 to 45 minutes. Then shampoo your hair.
  • You can also add essential oils, especially rosemary, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, or thyme oil, to the castor oil and then put it in your hair.

3. Massage your scalp

Massaging promotes blood flow to the scalp, which in turn stimulates the hair follicles. In addition, deep condition your hair once a week with a hot oil treatment or deep conditioning hair mask.

  1. Apply the oil (preferably warm) or conditioner to your hair.
  2. Gently rub your fingers on your scalp in a circular motion for three to five minutes.
  3. Rinse the oil or conditioner out of your hair.

4. Flip your hair upside down

This is one of the most popular tricks to promote faster hair growth. Just flip your hair upside down by flipping your head over for two to four minutes daily. It is believed to work by improving circulation.

5. Stay stress-free

Stress is one of the most important factors that contribute to hair loss. It is believed that stress can disrupt the normal hair cycle and trigger hairs to enter the telogen or fall-out phase. Thus, when striving for faster hair growth, minimize the stress in your life.

To manage stress, you can use meditation, breathing exercises, or other relaxation techniques. Plus, be sure to get your beauty sleep as the growth hormone is released during sleep.

6. Whip up an egg mask

Eggs are highly beneficial for faster hair growth because they are packed with protein and also contain iron, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium. You can use an egg hair mask at least once a month.

  • Whisk an egg. Mix in four tablespoons of grapeseed oil and a few drops of lavender oil. Apply it on your hair and scalp and leave it on for half an hour. Finally, rinse it out and shampoo your hair as usual.
  • Apply a mixture of two egg yolks and two tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil on your scalp. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash it out with cold water and then shampoo your hair.
  • Alternatively, whisk an egg and add one cup of milk, two tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil, and the juice from half a lemon to it. Apply it on your scalp and leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes before washing it out and shampooing your hair.

7. Infuse your hair with herbs

Herbs like rosemary, catnip, nettle, burdock, horsetail, and sage promote faster hair growth. Rosemary, in particular, is excellent for hair growth because it stimulates the hair follicles. It also adds luster to your locks.
Furthermore, the polyphenols and anti-inflammatory properties of green tea are also linked to hair growth. Plus, most herbs stimulate hair growth by improving circulation.

  • Prepare an herbal infusion by steeping any of these herbs in hot water for 10 to 20 minutes. Use it as a final rinse after shampooing and conditioning your hair. In addition to encouraging hair growth, it will strengthen your hair and make it soft and manageable.
  • You can also mix herbal infusions or essential oils in your shampoo.
  • Drink herbal teas.

8. Take vitamin and herbal supplements

In addition to eating a proper diet, you can take supplements like folic acid, biotin, kelp, fish oil, flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, saw palmetto, and others to augment hair growth.

Folic acid and biotin are B-complex vitamins (vitamin B9 and B7 respectively) that aid faster growth of hair. Before taking any supplements, though, make sure you consult your doctor.

9. Nourish your hair with aloe vera

Aloe vera encourages hair growth and prevents hair loss. It also reduces dandruff and helps restore your hair’s natural sheen.

  • Apply fresh aloe vera gel mixed with a little lemon juice and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Shampoo your hair. Do this once every week or two.
  • You can also combine aloe vera gel with equal amounts of coconut milk and wheat germ oil and then apply it on your hair.
  • Drink aloe vera juice on a regular basis.

10. Address medical problems

Your efforts to boost hair growth will not reap good results if you have underlying problems like a thyroid disorder, hormonal imbalance, chronic illness, or a severe infection.

Certain medications like birth control pills, beta-blockers, anabolic steroids, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and others may also contribute to problems such as hair thinning and hair loss.

Seborrheic dermatitis and scalp infections cause issues like itchy scalp and mild hair loss. So, identify any underlying issues contributing to hair problems and address them as soon as possible so they don’t hamper your hair growth efforts.

In addition to these tips, try some home remedies such as Indian gooseberry or amla oil, fenugreek paste, a mayonnaise hair pack, and other healthy hair ideas.

Maintain healthy hair by following a good hair care routine and using hair products that are suitable for your hair type. Plus, protect your tresses from sun damage and avoid the use of heat styling products.

Being Healthy

Top 15 Easy Ways To Make $300 Per Month

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Who doesn’t want to make money while sitting in their comfy chair at home. We will consider the most proven and reliable methods of earning. I must say right away that most of these methods allow you to earn money from the first day after their implementation, so I wish you good luck and a good income!

3 Principles of Making Money

1) Do what you love
Obviously, if you try to earn money by doing a thing that you don’t like, then you simply won’t be able to achieve great results in it and quit such an activity at the first difficulties.

2) Do it professionally
Doing your favorite job demanded by the market professionally is perhaps the main problem of most people. Indeed, many, for example, like to sing or draw, but what percentage of these people give out a product for which you are willing to pay?

Obviously, the percentage of such specialists is extremely small. In any case, there are very few true professionals and almost all of them earn decent money.

3) Invest time
The final element of a simple money making formula is the amount of time you devote to this activity.

Top 15 Easy Ways To Make $300 Per Month

1) Become a YouTube Video star

Some of the highest paid Youtube stars are earning over $10 million dollars a year. Felix Kjellberg(PewDiePie) makes over $12 million a year playing video games and making jokes, Rosanna Pansino making $5 million as the Cupcake Wizard and Michelle Phan makes over $3 million a year with Makeup tutorials. If you have a knack for being in front of the camera becoming a youtube star can be very profitable.

These people are at the top of the game but there is always room for new talent. There are many people making a good living in smaller niche areas doing things as simple as teaching people how to draw.

If you have the talent for this, you don’t need much. With almost zero investment you can start your earning with ease. A good fast computer, a quality camera & microphone and video editing software this is all you need.

2) Selling Goods on Amazon or Flipkart

Online selling is the way to go. You can start earning $200-$1000 per month easily as a startup business. You can contact a distributor or manufacturer, and sell his products online. And if you are a manufacturer then you can directly sell your goods to end customers. Shoes, crockery, decoration items, stationary, household, kitchen items are one of the best and easy sell on online website. Many people buy products from China, put there own company’s label on the products and sell it online.

3) Sell old stuff on OLX or Quikr

I am sure there may be number of things in your home that are lying unused for months & if you take little efforts, you can earn some good money.

You just need to do 2 things, i.e. find out all the items that you are no longer using, take high quality photos of these items from different angles & list these items on OLX & Quikr for sale.

Not only this, you can also ask your friends & relatives for selling their old stuff. You can help them sell these items & make some commission.

4) Answer Questions For Money

Basically, you get paid for answering questions. Anyone can ask  questions (Think Yahoo! Answers) and if you give the best answer, you receive the advertising revenue from that question (you create a Google Adsense account). The site hopes to create a large database of answers that will show up near the top of search engines. If they are successful with this, their answers would be read by millions. Imagine making money anytime someone has a questions!

5) Trade Stocks Online – But do your homework first

Although you need money before purchasing stocks, stock trading is a good way to increase ones wealth. I had the unfortunate experience of investing in the stock market right before the crash in 2007-08 and lost about half of what I invested. However, a year later I reinvested and made it all back! Look around and you may find a site that might guide you through this.

Before you start investing, spend 30 minutes to learn the basics. Additionally, keep an eye on the overall stability of the market, as even a good company will lose value if the whole market collapses. However, if you find companies with solid financial statements and quality products, you may be able to make money with the money you have sitting around.

BE CAREFUL – Everyone knows that the stock market is risky at this time. You CAN still make money, but caution is very important.

6) Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing is partnering with brands that offer a commission as a reward for your endorsement and referral. Affiliate marketers or sellers generally act as middlemen between customers and products. As an affiliate marketer, you can earn commissions by referring web traffic and sales through your own promotional efforts using a coded URL or web address to track each referral.

There are thousands of products you can sell for profit. Many of the bloggers you read online are probably affiliate marketers.

7) Teach a specialized skill

Everyone has a specialized skill they can share with the world. You can take your specialized skill and turn it into a blog, a course, an ebook or Youtube channel.

Let’s say you are a good cook. You know all about Indian cooking. You could create a simple online blog site for on “Indian meal recipes”. Your specialized skill could be a niche in the marketplace.

8) App Designer

There are almost 5 million apps in both the Apple App store and the Google Play App store. If you have a great problem to solve for a specific niche, building a mobile app can be very profitable. With over 5 million apps, you need to do your research and really understand both your target audience and the specific problem you are solving for them. Right now the most downloaded paid apps include Games, Health apps, Productivity tools and other entertainment apps.

9) Being a Gigwalker

Gigwalk is a crowd-sourced service that helps businesses with various types of tasks that help them learn how they’re doing. It’s an app that pays people to do these task for them. Anyone can apply to be a Gigwalker. You download the app, view a map full of tasks in the neighborhood immediately around you and get to work. Tasks can include things like:

  • Write a review of on something
  • Take a picture of a menu or product on a shelf
  • Take a picture of a specific intersection or roadblock
  • Review and enter an establishment’s hours of operation and
  • even answer simple quick questions like: is this place still in business?

When you complete a gig, Gigwalk reviews your work and deposits money straight into your PayPal account.

10) PTC Sites

Only do work on PTC site if you are free all time, you have nothing to do or you have no skills to work online because you are not going to earn much from these sites. They pay very less for each work. But yes, if you work really hard then you will make something around 10k to 15k rupees per month.

PTC means paid to click. You have to click on advertisements. There are many sites that pay to click on advertisements you don’t require any investment to work on PTC sites. This is very basic work online. You will get paid just to click on ads.

Online promoters or advertisers need high traffic on their website so they pay high amount to these PTC sites to get traffic. Basically, they buy traffic from these sites. This way you can earn money online without investment by clicking ads.

11) Sell photos online

This is another use of your smartphone. You can take high quality images of nature, places, things, dishes, homes etc. & sell them online.

There are number of big sites like ShutterstockFotolia, , iStockPhotoPhotobucket where you can submit your photos.

Whenever some customer wants to purchase your photos, you will get paid as per the price you fix. You can get paid multiple time for the same photos.

12) Blogging

You can earn by writing blogs for various company. You can easily get 2000-3000 Rs per blog. There are many freelancer websites from where you can get big and small contracts for writing blogs.

13) Buy and Sell Domain Names

Buying and selling domain names can be profitable when done right. There are stories abound of people buying domains $10 dollars 15 years ago and then selling today for millions of dollars.

The chances of this happening to most is low but there is still opportunities to make money buying and selling domains, especially since there are new Top level domain extensions like .travel, .legal and hundreds more.

The key to buying and selling domains today is about knowing your niche and what domains may be worth more than others.

14) Renting your Property

Remember, maybe you or your relatives have something that you can rent out and thus receive money in the form of passive income * ? It can be a room or an apartment, a garage, equipment, a car, etc.

* Passive income is a type of earning that comes to you 24 hours a day and does not depend on your daily efforts.

Typically, such income can be received in the form of rents from the delivery of property, dividends from investments, interest on deposits or profits from a business.

By the way, if you wish, you can even rent furniture, a bicycle or a computer.

If you have things that cost an average of more than 1 average salary in your city, then it can act as a rental object.

Being Healthy

10 Unknown benefits of Guava

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Guava is actually a tropical fruit that grows in tropical weather. Therefore, it is not surprising that it can easily grow in the backyard and does not need special treatment of the plantation. Fruits can be consumed in its pure form. In addition, guava can be consumed in the form of freshly squeezed delicious juice. The fruit is pink and it tastes really sweet. White or red guava, scientifically called Psidium guajava, and is one of the fruits with various benefits.

Nutrient content

Fruits contain a large amount of nutrients. Each serving of guava, or about 165 grams of fruit, usually contains the following nutrients:

  • Energy value -112 kcal
  • Fat – 1.6 g
  • Sodium – 3 mg
  • Potassium – 688 mg
  • Carbohydrates – 24g
  • Cellulose – 8.9 g
  • Sugar – 15 g
  • Protein – 4.2 g
  • Vitamin A – 700 mg
  • Vitamin C – 30 grams of vitamin
  • Vitamin B6 – 10 mg
  • Calcium – 3 mg
  • Iron – 2 mg
  • Magnesium – 9 mg

For more information on the health benefits of guava during pregnancy, see the points below.

  1. The Immune system

The main advantage in the use of guava – strengthening the immune system of the body. This is due to the fact that fruits contain large amounts of vitamin C, which are beneficial for maintaining the health of the body, mainly during pregnancy, when a strong immune system is needed so that a pregnant woman cannot easily get sick.

  1. Nutrients for fetal health during pregnancy

Guava’s benefits pregnant women too as it contains folic acid, or vitamin B-9, which is recommended for pregnant women since it can help in developing the baby’s nervous system and protect the newborn from neurological disorders.

  1. Healthy and radiant skin

Guava also contains vitamin E, which is good for skin health. It can help make the skin smooth and silky and give it a healthy appearance. In addition, it will give skin radiance, help to avoid inflammation, such as acne or eczema. Therefore, guava – the best natural remedy for the skin during pregnancy.

  1. Source of Vitamin C

Guava has 4 times more vitamin C than in orange. Therefore, it help strengthening the lymphatic system. It will be able to raise the overall tone of the body and increase its resistance to adverse external influences, infections and viruses. Guava can serve as one of the best preventive measures in the period of prosperity of influenza and viral infections.

  1. Prevents dehydration

Guava contains around 80% of water which can help meet the need for body fluids. Therefore, fruits are good to avoid dehydration.This is important for a pregnant woman, as they are sharing fluid with the fetus, so there should be enough amniotic fluid.

  1. Prevents diabetes

Guava contains natural sugar. Thus, it is a good way to avoid diabetes and control blood sugar levels. This is important because the hormones of a pregnant woman usually lead to abnormal insulin levels in the blood. Guava leaf tea may help prevent spikes in blood sugar and improve symptoms in people with type 2 diabetes. A 2010 review of evidence from clinical trials and animal studies suggests that guava leaf tea may help improve insulin resistance and lower blood sugar levels.

  1. Blood pressure control

Another health benefit of guava during pregnancy will allow you to control blood pressure levels. It is easy for a pregnant woman to get hypertension due to increased blood velocity during pregnancy. Consuming guava will help reduce pressure and avoid the possibility of hypertension.


  1. Rich in fiber

Just like many other fruits, guava also contains a large amount of fiber. It is useful for improving the functioning of the intestines, which leads to proper digestion. In addition, it will lead to better absorption of nutrients.

  1. Improved digestion

Because fruits are rich in fiber, it is the right way to keep your digestive system healthy. Pregnant women usually experience digestive difficulties during the third trimester. Therefore, eating more fruit will improve the metabolic rate, which can also improve digestion.

  1. Prevents anemia

Guava also contains minerals that can help in the production of sufficient red blood cells. Thus, it can help avoid anemia.This is important during pregnancy, when a pregnant woman often loses minerals to feed the fetus, which leads to a state of symptoms of severe anemia.


Precautions and Recommendations

Despite the fact that fruits bring many benefits to a pregnant woman, there are also things to consider when eating fruits.For further explanation, see the following recommendation when deciding on the use of guava during pregnancy.

  • Avoid eating fruit if any allergic condition is detected, such as itching, redness, or a swollen face. Also, stop eating guava if you feel pain or nausea after it is consumed.
  • Use in proper portions to avoid diarrhea, as this fruit is rich in fiber. Therefore, too frequent use of guava can lead to problems with the stomach.
  • Be sure to clean the fruit from the seeds, as the seeds can cause appendicitis. Drink a lot with food to avoid choking or any unwanted problems.

These are all the health benefits of guava during pregnancy. Eat fruit every day during pregnancy. However, eat these fruits in the right amount. Thus, guava will bring optimal benefits and help avoid unwanted side effects, mainly effects that can harm the fetus.

Being Healthy

10 Unknown Health Benefits of Mango

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The main reason why people love mangoes is amazing taste. As a rule, people enjoy its rich taste, without paying any attention to the many health benefits. Mango is so highly prized in the first place because of its health benefits. Here are some amazing benefits of eating mango that you might not be knowing.

1. Fights Cancer

Studies have proven that mango limits the inflammatory response in cancer and non-cancerous breast cells. It contains antioxidants like quercetin, isoquercitrin, fisetin, gallic acid, gallate and other enzymes that protect against colon cancer, breast cancer, blood and prostate cancer. Vitamin A and flavonoids, such as beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, help prevent cancer of the lungs and the oral cavity. Antioxidants inhibit the oxidation process in the fight against harmful free radicals in the body. Mango is a rich source of fiber specifically pectin, which inhibits the action of a protein called galectin, which is known to cause the growth of cancer cells. This reduces the risk of colon cancer.

2. Cholesterol level

High levels of fiber, vitamin C, mango pectin help lower serum cholesterol, especially the bad LDL cholesterol in the body. Mango fibers limit the secretion of the hormone leptin, which produces fat cells. Vitamin B6 regulates homocysteine ​​levels, which are harmful to blood vessels and can cause strokes and heart attacks. The high content of polyphenolic antioxidants prevents the accumulation of fat in the arteries, preventing the formation of plaque and clogged arteries. Mango contains a compound called mangiferin, which lowers the level of LDL and triglycerides and increases the amount of good cholesterol.

3. Digestion

Being a rich source of fiber, mango improves the health of the digestive system. Just like papaya, it contains enzymes that help in breaking down protein, thus facilitating digestion and eliminating feces. Mango fiber provides proper bowel movement and keeps the digestive tract clean. Having an alkaline character, mango can cure acidity. It also contains several biologically active compounds, such as esters, terpenes and aldehydes, which have additional benefits for the stomach.

4. Strengthens the immune system

Mango contains a generous amount of vitamins C and A, as well as 25 types of carotenoids that keep the immune system healthy and strong. The antioxidants and minerals present in these fruits limit microbial attacks and cell damage. In fact, mango is considered more nutritious than butter or almonds. It not only strengthens all muscles, nerves and body tissues, but also cleanses the body from the inside, improving immunity.

5. Useful for diabetics

In addition to fruit, mango leaves are especially beneficial for patients with diabetes, as they can normalize insulin levels. The traditional remedy is to boil mango leaves in water, soak them overnight, and then consume filtered broth in the morning. This will regulate the level of insulin in the body. Mango has a low glycemic index, so its use in moderation will not increase sugar levels.

6. Blood pressure control

Fresh mango is a good source of potassium – an important component of cellular and biological fluids. Potassium helps regulate heart rate, blood pressure and prevents heart disease.

7. Eye health

A large amount of vitamin A, as well as flavonoids, such as beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, present in mangoes, improves vision, fights dry eyes and prevents night blindness.

8. Improves brain health and memory.

Mango contains abundant amounts of vitamin B6, which helps in improving brain function and maintaining an effective nervous system. It also enhances our mood by controlling stress. Glutamine, an acid present in mango, improves memory and concentration. Pyridoxine helps in the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA hormone in the brain. This hormone acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and inhibits the transmission of nerve signals to the brain, thereby causing a calming effect.

9. Calming Heatstroke

Mango juice is considered a coolant that provides the necessary nutrients and minerals in the body. All you need to do is mix the chopped pieces of green mango, water and a teaspoon of honey into a juicer. Consumption of this juice will cool the whole body. Therefore, it is useful in the prevention or treatment of heat stroke.

10. Aphrodisiac

Mango is also referred to as “the fruit of love” because of its properties. Consumption of mango can increase the potency in men. The abundant amount of vitamin E in the fruit helps regulate sex hormones and raises libido.

11. Weight Loss

Mangoes are low in calories and lack sodium and fat. Being rich in nutrients in a concentrated form, mangoes can be used as a healthy snack. The high fiber content helps burn extra calories by increasing the body’s digestive function, thereby helping in weight loss. Mango vitamins and minerals help us to feel full for a longer time.

12. Benefits for women

Being a rich source of iron, mango can prevent anemia. It is especially useful in menopause and pregnancy, often due to iron and calcium deficiency. This fruit also contains a moderate amount of copper, which is a cofactor for the proper functioning of many enzymes, such as cytochrome and superoxide dismutase. It also involved in the production of red blood cells.

13. Alkalinization of the body

The combination of tartaric acid, malic acid and citric acid in mango helps in maintaining the alkalinity of the body.

Mango for children

Mangoes are loved and consumed by representatives of all generations. Children love the “king of fruits”, and he is often included in children’s food products like candy, cakes, ice cream, jams and jellies. This luxurious fruit can be given in combination with other ingredients to make it more acceptable to fussy children and increase its nutritional value.

Mango Dessert

Mango kebabs . Mango cubes should be put on a toothpick along with other fruits and eaten with yogurt.

Mashed potatoes. A simple mango puree can be obtained by mixing mango pieces with Greek yogurt in a blender. You can also add other fruits such as peaches, strawberries, pineapples and bananas if you want.

Ice cream. Fresh mango is pureed by grinding in a blender, and then ice cubes are applied to it. For aesthetics, such popsicle can be decomposed into the same toothpicks or ice cream sticks.

Being Healthy

10 Unknown Benefits Of Lychee

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In India, litchi or lychee trees bear fruit in the summer season. Fruits grow on an evergreen tree with feathery leaves. The flesh is externally protected by a pink-red coarse skin. The litchi interior consists of pretty sweet white flesh, as well as brown seeds. The taste of litchi is vaguely reminiscent of grapes.

The fruit itself is very tasty. In addition to the sweet taste, Litchi provides significant health benefits.

Benefits of Lychee

1. Oligolol

Oligolol is an ingredient extracted from lychee fruit. This is the very first industrially produced low molecular weight polyphenol. It has been scientifically proven that it has exceptional bioavailability as well as efficacy. Oligol – short name for “Oligomer Polyphenol”. Oligomer is usually a term for a polymer that has a relatively reduced molecular weight.Scientific testing on volunteers showed that the drug “Oligonol” reduces fat mass, improves blood circulation, relieves fatigue after exercise, increases endurance, and also reduces facial wrinkles.

2. Reduces the growth of cancer cells

In cancer, cells divide uncontrollably. Cancer cells can also invade tissues and be distributed throughout the bloodstream, as well as in many other areas of the body. Lychee is an effective remedy that helps prevent the development of cancer cells. Especially this fruit helps with breast cancer, as well as the prostate. Lychee contains much more beta carotene than carrots. This antioxidant is able to fight against most types of cancer.

3. Reduces the risk of heart disease

The heart is the center of the cardiovascular system. It is very important to monitor his condition throughout life. Scientists announced that litchi ranks second among fruits in the number of polyphenols, which improve heart health. Lychee has almost 15% more polyphenols compared to grapes (which was previously considered as the main method for producing polyphenols). Oligol also improves heart condition. Lychee provides numerous health benefits that include increased immunity, protection against cardiovascular diseases, as well as against most types of cancer.

4. Fights cold, sore throat and improves the immune system

The protective mechanism protects our body from dangerous viruses. Antigens are parts of viruses, fungi and bacteria. Our bodies destroy molecules that are associated with antigens.If our immune system is vulnerable, then we may have various diseases, for example, flu, sore throat and so on. Lychee is rich in vitamin C. This fruit contains 40% more vitamin C compared to orange juice. Products containing vitamin C contribute to the improvement of immunity.They help the body to be resistant to bacterial infections. With frequent use of litchi, regular colds , flu viruses, and sore throat can be easily avoided. This fruit also helps alleviate inflammation.

5. Lose weight

To lose weight you need to have a balanced and healthy diet, as well as do exercises.Consumption of large quantities of fruit is very beneficial for the health of the whole organism. Fruits contain all the important vitamins that the body requires. There are many fruits that will help you lose weight. Fruits that are high in water will fill your stomach and reduce the need for more high-calorie foods. Lychee is low in calories, consists of unsaturated fats and highly soluble fiber, which is very useful for people with excessive body weight. Oligol will help improve blood circulation in the organs and throw off those extra pounds.

6. Helps with problems with the digestive tract

Lychee is very useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract for many reasons. It can solve not only numerous digestive problems, but also remove problems with central nervous system.The seeds contained in this fruit are used to treat the intestinal tract, and can also relieve the patient from worms. Lychee can also be recommended for minor diarrhea, as well as for stomach ulcers. Lychee pulp is an excellent antacid. It is used to combat high acidity of the stomach, nausea, and dyspepsia.

7. Acts like an aphrodisiac

Aphrodisiacs stimulate sexual desire. Individual foods, mostly fruits, can easily increase your sexual desire. Lychee is still referred to as an aphrodisiac in ancient Chinese culture.

8. Contains a high concentration of copper and potassium

Lychee also contains a large amount of minerals such as potassium and copper.Potassium is an important element that helps control heart rate, as well as blood pressure, protects the heart from stroke and coronary diseases. Copper helps in the production of red blood cells.

9. Treats constipation

Lychee consists of soluble fiber, it improves digestion and protects against intestinal problems. In addition, litchi fruits help to release the stomach from toxic substances, clean the colon and solve problems with constipation.

10. Prevents anemia

As soon as the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin levels become below normal, this leads to anemia. Anemia is considered a typical problem and is much less common in developing countries than in the poor, where people have problems with good nutrition. Lychee contains a large amount of copper, which increases the number of red blood cells.

11. Helps fight stress

Stress is a complex condition of the body, which requires internal strength, endurance, and increased vigilance. The group of vitamin B’s, which is present in the fruit of litchi, will help you overcome stress . One lychee fruit will provide ample supply of vitamin B6, one of the so-called anti-stress vitamins.

12. Maintains bone health

Lychee is a rich source of phosphorus , magnesium, manganese, which will help maintain the health of your bones. Vitamin D in this fruit will improve the absorption of calcium by the body.

Nutritional Value of Lychee

Being Healthy

10 Ways To Improve Eyesight

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We see things around us with our brain, not our eyes. Our eyes function like a camera, capturing light and sending data back to the brain. The eyes are most highly developed sensory organs. In fact, if the human eye was a digital camera, it would have 576 megapixels lens.

Vision problems – With growing pollution longs hours on TV, Laptop and mobile, your eyes are not adapted at all to the loads that fell on them! You should take good care of eye health right now, otherwise will lose visual acuity at very young age.

These tips will help improve your vision, even if you wear glasses or contact lenses. Pay attention to the important advice: blink more often when you are at the computer to moisten the sclera. It is the drying of the sclera that is the main cause of various eye diseases!

Here are few best ways to keep your eyes health and improve eyesight:

  1. Stop using phone in low light
    If you are one of those users who are practically glued to the screen most of the time and have experienced itching, watering and pain in the eyes, it is time to do things in a different way. The best way to deal with it is to cut the screen time, but that is almost impractical in today’s world. You should stop using your phone in low or dim surrounding light or should put an anti-glare screen protector on the phone.
  2. Eye rest
    Make the habit of briefly closing your eyes throughout the day. Two minutes will be enough for the rest of the eye muscles and vision regeneration! Close your eyes for 2 minutes every hour during the working day – and you will not only improve your vision, but also with the nervous system.
  3. Wear glasses 
    Even if you have slightly poor eyesight like 0.25 or 0.5 , you still should regularly wear glasses. Scientists still have not come to a single conclusion – glasses are useful or not, because often the vision drops when a person begins to use them regularly.Wearing sunglasses is also very healthy for eyes. Sunglasses are not just a fashion accessory, as they also help protect the eyes from ultraviolet (UV) light. Excessive UV exposure can damage the eyes. UV light can also increase a person’s risk of cataracts, eye cancer.
  4. Eye massage
    Massage your eyes at least once a day. With regular to eye massage, blood circulation is improved, the eyes are fully relaxed, as a result, the vision becomes sharper. You use your thumbs to do little circles around your eyes (around, do not actually rub your eyes), GENTLY. Do this massage regularly every night before bed.
  5. Regular breaks
    Do not let your eyes be constantly in tension: every 20 minutes, distract from work and look away. This recommendation is especially important for people suffering from myopia.
  6. Exercises for vision
    Perform these simple exercises at least 1 time in 2 days, and the result will be! Move your eyes along the arrow in the pictures. This is a great workout to strengthen the eye muscles! Exercises can be done with open and closed eyes.
  7. Walk on Green Grass early morning
    Walk daily on green dew laden grass in early morning for at least 20 minutes, this increase blood circulation and is considered to be one of the best ways to keep eyes healthy.
  8. Wash your eyes
    If you are working for long hours on monitor then its very important that you wash your eyes with cold water every 1 or 2 hrs. This not only relax your eyes but also prevents eyes from getting dry..
  9. Diet
    Carrots, butter, fish oil, herbs, nuts: make sure that your diet is rich in these products.They will help to see well in the dark, vitamin A is very important for good vision.
  10. Quitting smoking
    Science has clearly established that smoking is bad for a person’s health and can cause cancer. However, many people may not realize that there is also a link between smoking and a number of eye diseases.Smoking increases the risk of age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and uveitis. It can also increase the risk of diabetic retinopathy. Tobacco smoke is also irritating to the eye, which can make dry eye worse.
Being Healthy

How to Eat Chia Seeds for Quick Weight Loss

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How to Eat Chia Seeds for Quick Weight Loss: Are you going to gym or doing regular exercise to lose some extra kilos and yet not successful? Don’t worry; the good news is that there are many super foods that can help you achieve your ideal weight pretty easily.

Chia seeds have been extremely popular for their amazing nutritional benefits. The high fiber content in chia seeds can help you reduce the stubborn belly fat. The best part is that they are very much affordable, highly nutritious and give an added flavour to any dish.

These small seeds are abundant in polyunsaturated fatty acids and proteins as well. You can add chia seeds to your diet in multiple ways to lose weight quickly.

These powerful seeds are rich in anti-oxidants, healthy fats and fiber that can help you in flushing out the toxins from the body, reducing inflammation and keeping you full for longer period of time.

Nutritional properties of Chia seeds:

• Copper
• Dietary Fiber
• Omega-6-fatty acids
• Omega-3-fatty acids
• Calcium
• Sodium
• Protein
• Phosphorus
• Zinc
• Manganese

As per your preference, you can incorporate chia seeds with your daily diet to get benefits. You can add chia seeds in your food in different ways, such as:

• Grounded chia seeds
• Soaked chia seeds
• Chia seeds in oil form

Let’s have a quick look at how you can use Chia seeds in different ways to lose weight fast.

1. Chia Seeds with your Favorite Salad:

You can make your salad even better by adding some chia seeds in your fresh fruits. With all its nutritional benefits, you will feel energised all day and also fuller.

2. Chia Seeds Smoothie:

Love smoothies? If yes, than you make your smoothie even more satisfying with chia seeds. You can make your smoothie and give it a nutritional twist by adding some chia seeds into it.


✓ Some blueberries
✓ One banana
✓ 1-2 table spoons of chia seeds
✓ Low fat milk


✓ Peel of the banana and add it to your smoothie maker
✓ Now add the blueberries, chia seeds and milk
✓ Blend it and pour in a glass to drink freshly

** You can also add yogurt instead of milk and a little honey for better taste which is completely optional.

3. Chia seed Pudding:

While many people think that chia seeds can only be used as topping, it can also be used as the main ingredient for cooking. Chia pudding is undoubtedly one of the tastiest ways to use this incredible super food for all its benefits.


✓ 2 cups of low fat milk
✓ 2-3 cups of chia seeds
✓ Half tablespoon of vanilla extract
✓ Some raisins
✓ 2 tablespoons of honey
✓ 2 tablespoons of dried coconut powder


✓ Combine milk, honey, chia seeds, and the vanilla extract in a bowl.
✓ Allow it to sit for 15 minutes.
✓ Stir the mixture and cover the bowl securely with a plastic wrap
✓ Now refrigerate it overnight
✓ Next day, add raisins and coconut powder as topping and enjoy!

4. Iced Tea with Chia Seeds:


✓ 2-3 tablespoons of chia seeds
✓ 1 tablespoon of green tea
✓ 1 tablespoon of lime juice
✓ 1 tablespoon of organic honey
✓ Ice cubes
✓ Water


Soak the chia seeds in water for 1-2 hours

Boil one cup of water in a pan and once it starts boiling, switch off the heat.

Now add the green tea in the hot water.

Allow it to steep for 2-3 minutes

Let it cool for a while and then refrigerate for half an hour

Now add the chia seeds, honey, lime juice and some ice cubes into your tea
Relish this delicious drink in summers to lose weight.

5. Chia seeds Oatmeal:

For a quick and on-go breakfast, try this delicious oatmeal recipe which will make your feel filler throughput the day and let you shed a few kilos.


✓ Half cup of milk
✓ ¼ cups of rolled oats
✓ ¼ cup of Greek yogurt
✓ 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
✓ 2 tablespoons of honey
✓ A pinch of cinnamon powder
✓ Few blueberries


✓ Mix milk, Greek yogurt, chia seeds, honey and cinnamon in a small jar with a lid.
✓ Shake it well to mix it properly
✓ Remove the lid and add some blueberries
✓ Now close the lid and refrigerate for at least 8 hours

**You can also add other fruits like peaches and different variety of berries.

6. Spinach Kale Shake:

While you are trying to lose weight, it is vital that you consume a good amount of veggies in your diet and what can be better than a vegetable shake. You can add any green vegetable of your choice with chia seeds.

Here is a recipe of nutritious shake with spinach, kale and chia seeds.


✓ 2 cups of fresh spinach
✓ 1 cup of almond milk
✓ 1 leaf of kale
✓ 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
✓ 1 banana


✓ Blend the spinach, chia seeds, kale leaf with the almond milk
✓ Once the mixture is smooth, add some banana and blend again
✓ Drink fresh

7. Quinoa Chia Salad:


✓ 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
✓ Half cup of quinoa
✓ ¼ cup of red bell pepper-chopped
✓ ¼ cup of green bell pepper-chopped
✓ ½ kale-chopped
✓ 1 tablespoon of fresh lime juice
✓ ½ tablespoon of black pepper powder
✓ 1 tablespoon of olive oil
✓ Salt


✓ Cook quinoa in a pan for some time.
✓ Add all chopped vegetables in a bowl along with chia seeds, lime juice, black pepper, olive oil and salt.
✓ Mix thoroughly and spread it over the cooked quinoa
✓ Mix it again and enjoy the salad!

This list is definitely not exhaustive, you can enjoy many other chia seeds recipes; however the ones listed here will surely give you the nutritional boost and help in weight loss.

Being Healthy

Tomato Sauce – How many Tomato Do they Have?

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Tomato Sauce, We all probably have these Sauce bottles in are home. But do we know what these bottles really contain, does it has real tomato or chemicals? Lets find out the truth behind these sauce bottles.

We will be analyzing 1 liter of Maggie Hot and Sweet Tomato Chilli Sauce bottles and find out from what this sauces are made up of and are these really health.

Maggie Hot and Sweet Tomato Chilli Sauce are made from below ingredients. They’ve got –

  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Tomato Paste
  • Chile Puree
  • Salt
  • Acidity Regulator
  • Chile Powder
  • Thickening Agent
  • Garlic
  • Preservatives

Lets find out more about these ingredients

Tomato Paste – These 1 liter tomato sauce bottles have not more than 12% of tomato paste in it. Which is around 120 ml of tomato paste in it.
To find out how much grams of tomato it would take to get approx. 120 ml of tomato paste, we took 1 tomato regular sized (weight 120 grams) and churned it into a mixer without added any water and what we got was more than 120 ml of tomato paste.
Which concludes that this whole 1 liter of bottle that cost more than 100 Rs, is only having not more than 1 tomato in it.

Thickening Agent – When these 1000 ml Bottles will have only 1 tomato in it then they will defiantly use some chemicals to make it look like a real tomato sauce. Thus they uses thickening agents to make it as thick and real as real tomato paste. Consumption of these thickens in high quantity may lead to serious health issue, and we can very well imagine how much of thickener is used in rest 900 ml.

Sugar – Though we take a small amount of this sauce in small quantity its important to know how much sugar it has. 1 liter of this bottle has total 370 grams of sugar.

Acidity Regulator and preservatives – These ingredients are added to make product last long. These ingredients taken in high quantity are very dangerous.

Chile Pure, Salt, Chile Powder, Garlic are added for taste.

Conclusion, with one 1 tomato in these 1000 ML bottle these products are just made of thickener, artificial color and processed sugar. These are not at all healthy and should be avoided at all cost.
When these branded bottles have so less tomato then you can figure out how much tomato will be there in sauces that we eat from road side.


Maggie Hot and Sweet Tomato Chilli Sauce Ingredients 

Being Healthy

6 Ways To Remove Pesticide from fruits and veggies

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In today’s world where staying healthy is a challenge and avoiding packed and fast food is everyone’s dream, eating fruits and green vegetables is one and the best way for us to be healthy. But really are these fresh fruits and vegetables making our body fit and healthy?

No, not any more. We all are aware of the increase of insecticides and pesticides sprayed on fruits and veggies to increase its production and enhance its quality. These insecticides and pesticides can lead to number of long term or incurable diseases like cancer.

So, it’s important for us to know how can we remove these chemicals from our fresh fruits and veggies and reap their actual benefits.

  1. Cleaning with Cold Water
  2. Salt Water
  3. Vinegar
  4. Baking Powder
  5. Lemon
  6. Peal and Trim

Cleaning with Cold Water
The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) says that 75% to 80% of pesticide reduces are removed by cold water washing. Soak fruits and veggies for couple of hours in cold water and then wash it with fresh water. However, fruits like grapes, apples, guava, plums, mangoes, peaches and pears and fruity vegetables like tomatoes and okra require two to three washings, as do green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale.

Salt Water
Using salt water for washing fruits and vegetables is also best way to remove pesticides and insecticides. Soak fruits and veggies for 5 – 10 mins and then wash it with fresh water.
This method isn’t ideal for fragile fruits like berries, which can be damaged by soaking and end up tasting salty. For these, a simple cold water soak and rinse is best.

You can use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar in water and soak for 30-60 mins. The water vinegar solution should be with 10 percent vinegar and 90 percent water. Stir them around and rinse thoroughly. Be careful while washing fruits like berries, and those with a thin peel as the solution might damage their porous outer-skin.

Lemon Water
Lemon is one of the best antioxidants that not only help reducing oxidants from our body but also removes pesticides from fruits and vegetables. Lemon can be used as an alternative to vinegar, with 2-3 lemons added in a small bucket of water, soak the veggies in it for 30-60 mins and then wash thoroughly.

Baking Soda (One of the best solutions)
This solution is know to remove more than 90% of pesticides and insecticides from our food. As per the study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, baking soda solution was found to be most effective at removing pesticide residues both on the surface and beneath the skin of apples.
A mix of only 1:100 of baking soda and water for 12 to 15 minutes of soaking can completely remove the pesticides.

Peal and Trim
Peeling and trimming is probably the most effective way for reducing the amount of chemical residue on your fresh food. Of course, it’s not suitable for all produce – like those with no skin! Fruits with thicker peal (like oranges, watermelon) are considered to be more safer than fruits with thinner peal.

Foods That are better to be bought Organic:

Here is the list of most contaminated produce (most important to buy organic) known as the Dirty Dozen:

  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Nectarines
  4. Apples
  5. Grapes
  6. Peaches
  7. Cherries
  8. Pears
  9. Tomatoes
  10. Celery
  11. Sweet Bell Peppers
  12. Hot Peppers

And here is the list of least contaminated produce known as the Clean Fifteen:

  1. Avocados
  2. Sweet corn (Note: could be GMO)
  3. Pineapples
  4. Cabbage
  5. Onions
  6. Sweet peas, frozen
  7. Papayas (Note: could be GMO)
  8. Asparagus
  9. Eggplant
  10. Honeydew Melon
  11. Kiwi
  12. Cantaloupe
  13. Cauliflower
  14. Broccoli

Editor’s note: This list has the most updated information from the EWG’s 2018 data.

Being Healthy

Mayonnaise Sauce – Death by Choice

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We all love mayonnaise sauce and why won’t we, as it tastes so good. All the top brands like Mc Donald, Dominos, Subway sell it and also use in their products because it adds so much flavor to it, ki dil mange more. Having mayonnaise sauce with tandoori chicken, momos or fried food, hmmm its just like heaven on earth. Hold on, before you plan to order some food with mayonnaise sauce, you must know what all ingredients it’s made up off.

Since in India, food restaurants do not have any legal obligation on disclosing the ingredients used in preparation of their products to general public, we will be examining ingredients of packed mayonnaise sauce bottle (Funfoods- Mayonnaise Classic 275 grams) which we can easily get from any grocery store.

The ingredients labelled on this bottle are :
  • Soyabean Oil
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Egg Powder
  • Milk Solids
  • Salt
  • Lemon Juice
  • Acidity Regulator (INS 260 and INS 330)
  • Emulsifier and Stabilizer (INS 415 and INS 440)
  • Antioxidant (INS 319)
  • Preservatives (INS 211 and INS 202)

Sugar, water, egg powder, milk solids, salt and lemon juice are ingredients that we all generally consume almost on daily basis and their presence should not be harmful to our body.

Why mayonnaise sauce tastes so good because it has more than 60% of total oil (fat) in 275 grams of bottle, more oil means better taste. Eating mayonnaise sauce is almost like drinking oil. We might eat mayonnaise sauce in small quantity but still its not at all healthy. If we intake only 20 grams (around 2 teaspoon) of mayonnaise sauce then it amounts to more than 12 grams or 15 ml of oil that we would be consuming.
People suffering from high cholesterol should avoid it at all cost.

Antioxidant in foods are used to preserve and improve shelf life of the product. One of the best source of natural antioxidant is lemon juice. Along with presence of lemon juice this bottle has additional unnatural antioxidant – INS 319 (Tertiary butylhydroquinone or TBHQ). TBHQ is used in fats, including vegetable oils and animal fats. Many — if not most — processed foods contain some fats, so it’s found in a wide range of products. For example, snack crackers, noodles, and fast and frozen foods.

As per Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of USA, TBHQ can’t account for more than 0.02 percent of the oils in a food product as it can be harmful to the body.
According to the Centers for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a well-designed government study found that this additive increased the incidence of tumors in rats. And according to the National Library of Medicine (NLM), cases of vision disturbances have been reported when humans consume TBHQ. They also cite studies that have found TBHQ to cause liver enlargement, neurotoxic effects, convulsions, and paralysis in laboratory animals.

Acidity Regulator (INS 260 and INS 330) are commonly found in packed food and beverages. Though these regulators are not harmful but should be consumed with caution as it may cause severe allergic reactions (rashhivesdifficulty in breathingtightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue irritation).

Emulsifier and Stabilizer (INS 415 and INS 440) – These are used as thickeners in various food products like toothpaste, Jam, sauce etc. These are safe if taken in small quantity but can cause some side effects such as intestinal gas (flatulence) and bloating.

Preservatives are present in almost 99.9% of packed food. If you are already dependent on packed food then you might be taking these preservatives in high quantity. This mayonnaise sauce has INS 211 and INS 202 preservatives.

  • Sodium Benzoate (INS 211):
    Generally the amount of sodium benzoate in foods is so low it is unlikely to cause significant side effects in most people. Sodium benzoate can trigger allergic reactions in some people, though. According to the December 2007 issue of “Environmental Health Perspectives” it has also been implicated as a potential trigger for hyperactivity in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Sodium benzoate does in itself not cause the disorder, and more research is needed to determine what role, if any, it plays in worsening hyperactivity.
  • Potassium sorbate (INS 202):
    Potassium sorbate has several adverse health effects. Potassium sorbate has long been considered a safe and non-toxic food additive. However, several studies have suggested that the chemical can actually be toxic. As well, some researchers now believe that potassium sorbate can cause a wide range of long-term health problems and side effects. Prolonged use of the preservative could lead to Migraine, Hypersensitivity Reactions, Hyperkalemia, allergic reactions, Nausea, Diarrhea, etc.

Conclusion: If you are among those who have busy schedule with no or little exercise and are more dependent on packed food, then please be cautious while consuming mayonnaise sauce.
Avoid having mayonnaise sauce and if not, better prepare at home. Preparing mayonnaise sauce won’t take more than 5-10 mins at home.

Funfoods- Mayonnaise Classic 275 grams

The content of the product can be verified at any local store as they are all mentioned on the bottle label.

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Mule 3 Mulesoft Basics Mulesoft Tutorial

Externalizing Common Mule Flows

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Externalizing Common Mule Flows

In this tutorial we will be externalizing some common mule flows so they can be used by multiple Mule Applications
For Example – If I have a common exception handling which is same for all my other applications and I want to externalize this common exception handling code so that –
1. No one in the team can modify the common flows leading to code discrepancy.
2. Teams don’t have to copy same code again and again in my next API which they are going to build.
3. Also, This will also help my API code look more neat and clean.

Externalizing common mule flows can be achieved by exporting the flows to be externalized into a JAR file and then importing the JAR in other applications. Tells look on the details of how we can do this with just few steps.

1. Understanding the Flow

In the flow below we want to externalize sub flow – “externalizeMuleAPISub_Flow” which is been called by Flow reference in Get and Post  Flows  and exception handling – “externalizeMuleAPI-apiKitGlobalExceptionMapping”.

2. Creating new Mule project

We need to create a new mule project and dump the mule common flows that we want to externalize into it. And remove copied code from our previous project.

Here we have deleted and added the 2 flows from our old project into our new project.


3. Exporting the new project as JAR file.

Here are the steps to be followed to export the project as JAR.

Right Click on the Project in Package Explorer >> Click Export

In the Popup Window Select Java>Jar File and Click Next.

Select The project to be exported “externalflows” and add the path where the JAR is to be saved and Click Finish.


Now, we have create the project with common flows as Jar and export it to the specified location.

4. Importing the JAR file

Now after exporting JAR, we need to import it to our main project.

To Import the Jar -> go to Project Properties and Click “Add External Jars” and select the JAR File.

5. Adding the Common Flows

Now we need to add the mule XML file name that we have imported as JAR into our main project.

6. Running the Code

You might see few error been reported by Mule even after adding the mule XML filename. But do not worry on building the application all the error will go off.