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Author Archives: Varun Goel

Varun Goel

About Varun Goel

Varun Goel is a technology enthusiast with 6+ years exp in IT industry. In fact, he is been developing application after schooling as freelancer. Currently working with one of the Fortune’s 100 Companies having vast experience Mule ESB, Tibco, HTML5, CSS, JSS, Android, Core Java, JSP, PHP, MySQL, AutoCAD, Maya, ZBrush, Photoshop, Flash CS and many more.

Being Healthy Cancer Diabetes Causing Products Death by Sugar

Pepsi, Coca-cola, Thumps Up Its Ingredients – Cancer and Diabetes

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In today’s busy schedule where diseases like diabetes and cancer are on the rise, we need to more health conscious. Thus, it’s important to know if the eatables that we purchase from market are safe for us, and not leading us to these deadly diseases.

Soft drinks! We frequently savor these- in parties or in general. But do we know ,what are it’s ingredients and it’s nutritional value. If not, then do read this post till the end, after which you’ll never drink these again.

We’ll talk about Pepsi, Coca-cola and Thumps Up, their ingredients and the diseases these may cause. All the bottles are of 600 ml each which usually make up 2 regular size glasses. The ingredients are similar in all these bottles. You can also check these ingredients, as they are printed on the bottle.

These all have –

  • Carbonated water
  • Caffeine
  • Acidity regulator
  • Color
  • flavor
  • and lots of sugar.

Let’s talk about these ingredients in details:

In each 100 ml of the soft drink, it has 10 – 12 grams of sugar, that means in a bottle of 600 ml it has approximately 60 grams sugar. In 2 glasses of lemonade you might be adding 3-4 teaspoon of sugar whereas these 600 ml bottles have more than 15 teaspoons of sugar. This high quantity of sugar can lead to various diseases. This may lead to weak eyesight, heart problems, obesity, tooth decay, kidney problems and diabetes.
If you think that you are safe, because you are consuming these once a week or a month then you’ll be shocked to know that our body needs around 25 grams of sugar in a Day whereas 1 glass of these soft drink has 30 grams of it.

Acidity regulator 338 or phosphoric acid
This acid is used in various products like – pharmaceuticals, household cleaning agent, fertilizers, and in detergents. If consumed in high quantity it may lead to kidney disease and kidney stones and also reduce bone density. Company never mentions the quantity of this acid in theses bottles, but you can get an idea from the videos over the internet where its shown, that with the help of these soft drinks you can clean your toilets. You can also try this and trust me your toilet will be as clean as new.

It’s a chemical which is mostly found in coffee beans and tea leaves. Caffeine works as an energy drink which keeps us mentally alert and also provides relief from headache.
Caffeine taken in large quantity can cause blood pressure, heart attack and even weak bones. Diabetes patient should avoid this at all cost.

Can Soft drinks cause Cancer ?
According to Cancer Council Victoria and University of Melbourne reports, soft drinks can cause cancer even if u r suffering from obesity or not. In total these soft drinks are sweet poison that is made up of chemical, color, artificial flavor which has no nutritional value.

Being Healthy Cancer Diabetes Causing Products Death by Sugar

Frooti, Maaza, Slice – How many Mango do they Have?

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Frooti, Maaza and Slice. Are these really mango juice or factory produced chemical products? How many mangos does these juices actually have? We are going to reveal the real truth behind these products and I’m sure after reading this, you will never drink these mango juices.

In this blog we are going to talk about mango frooti, Tropicana Slice, Maaza and there content. These bottles are of 600ml which is equivalent to, 2 regular size glasses (350 ml each). And cost around Rs 37/-.

These products are made from almost same kind of ingredients. They’ve got –

  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Acidity Regulator
  • Antioxidant
  • Preservative
  • Synthetic Food Color
  • Mango Flavor (Artificial and Natural)
  • and Mango Pulp.

Let’s find out how much real mango they have.
Frooti and Maaza have about 19.5% mango pulp in 600 ml that’s around 117 ml, which is not even 1/3 of a regular glass. Try this at home, take a single regular size mango and make a pulp out of it, you will be surprised to know that the home made pulp will be double in quantity than what’s present in these bottles. These bottles have only half of real mango in it rest is all water and chemical.

Tropicana Slice has even lesser percentage. It has just 13.6% of concentrated mango pulp. What is concentrated mango pulp? It’s a process where water is extracted from the fruit either by heating or squeezing and later when needed water is added back.
Tropicana claims that there 600 ml bottle is having mango pulp equivalent to single strength mango pulp. But never mention the weight or size of the single mango that they are taking about.


Coming on to Sugar. As per United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1 mango of 165 gms has 22 g of sugar. But these bottles have 13 grams of sugar for every 100ML that is 78 grams in a 600 ml bottle which is equivalent to 20 spoons of sugar. Assuming these juices has at most 1 mango in them amounting to approx 22 grams of natural sugar, to which, they still have more than 50 grams of additional processed sugar. A single glass of these juices have around 40 grams of sugar whereas an average healthy male body needs 25 to 30 grams of sugar in a day. Taking this much sugar can lead you standing next to number of diseases.

Now wondering how much Synthetic color and Artificial flavor is added to it? Let’s do an experiment. Try taking 1/3 of a regular glass around 150 ML of mango pulp and add 2 glasses of water to it. How will it taste like “Taste like Water hummm!!”. Whereas these drinks are having same thickness and color as if of 2 glasses of real mango juices. So we can see how much color and flavor would have been added to it. Added Color and flavor quantity is not mentioned on the bottles but ya you guessed it right!

There’s still more… it has Acidity Regulator, Antioxidant and Preservative. Again, it’s quantity in which its added to the bottle is not mentioned! These ingredients taken in high quantity are very dangerous. And if in case u r already more dependent on packed food be aware u r already taking in high doses of these.

Over internet you will find lots of people now days taking frooti, maaza challenge and drinking 2.5 liters of these juices in just few minutes to get more likes and money. They are actually taking 325 grams of sugar! That to most of it is, processed sugar. This is way way too dangerous. Please don’t do or let anyone do, else what you will earn, you might spent on your treatment in a hospital for your entire life. Do read this blog of ours on what happens after taking high amount of sugar in our body. Link.

Talking about Nutritional value; its Noting!! compared to 1 real mango.

So, what do we conclude. With even less than 1 real mango fruits inside these 600 ml bottle, these juices are just sugary syrup nothing more and as dangerous as soft drinks. Please don’t drink these and specially not let your children drink. Better make these juices at home.
Thanks for reading, Please share, as this can save someone’s life and subscribe our channel. In our next blog we will be taking about Tropicana fruit juices, 100% real juice and find out what if these are really juices or something else.

Mule 3 Mule Interview Question Mulesoft Tutorial

Interview Questions Mulesoft / Mule ESB Tutorial

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MuleSoft or Mule ESB interview Questions

Here are the 18 most important and common mulesoft or mule esb interview questions and answers which are bound to be asked in any Mule ESB interview. Whether it’s Mulesoft or Mule ESB interview with Accenture, Cognizant, Infosys, Deloitte or any company below Mule ESB interview questions are always always been asked. You can easily clear any Mulesoft or Mule ESB interview questions if you learn answers to these Mule ESB questions.

1. What are Web Services?

Web service is a function or program in any language that can be accessed over HTTP. Message format can be XML or JSON or any other program as long as the other programs can understand and communicate. Web services can be synchronous or asynchronous. Any web service has server-client relationship. Any web service can have multiple clients. Eg: When a travel portal is selling tickets of an airliner, Portal is client and the Airline is the server as it is selling its service. Continue reading

Mule 3 Mule Interview Question Mulesoft Tutorial

Interview Questions 2 – Mulesoft / Mule ESB Tutorial

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MuleSoft or Mule ESB interview Questions

Here are the most important and common mulesoft or mule esb interview questions and answers which are bound to be asked in any Mule ESB interview. Also see Mule Interview Questions I.

1. What are inbound and Outbound properties ?

Inbound properties are immutable, are automatically generated by the message source and cannot be set or manipulated by the user.  They contain metadata specific to the message source. A message retains its inbound properties only for the duration of the flow; when a message passes out of a flow, its inbound properties do not follow it.
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Mule 3 Mule Interview Question Mulesoft Tutorial

RAML Interview Questions – Mule Tutorial

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RAML Interview Questions.

In this mule tutorial, here are the most important and common RAML interview questions and answers which are bound to be asked in any Mule ESB interview.

1. What is RAML and why we use it?

RAML – RESTful API Modeling Language
RAML is similar to WSDL, it contains endpoint URL, request/response schema, HTTP methods and query and URI parameter.
RAML helps client (a consumer of the service) know, what the service is and what/how all operations can be invoked.
RAML helps the developer in creating the initial structure of this API. RAML can also be used for documentation purpose.

2. Who can you import RAML in your poject?

Read here: Mule Tutorial – Creating Mule Project with RAML
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Mule 3 Mulesoft Basics Mulesoft Tutorial

Validation Framework – Handling Business Errors MuleSoft

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MuleSoft Validation Framework – Handling Business Errors

In this tutorial of mulesoft validation we will create an exception handling framework that will generate business/logical error and do custom validations to request/response message while mapping mulesoft code and learn how to handle those error.
For example: The message that mulesoft application received should have some validations while mapping to the backend application request, in case of validation failure the application should throw an error with error message.

The validations are:
1. if a is (a < b or a < 10) then generate error with error message “A should not be less than 10 or b”.
2. all the values a or b or c or d sum should be less than 500 else generate error with message “a+b+c+d should be less than 500.”

The above example, can be resolved in couple of ways and we will see one of the most simplest and easy way by creating validation framework.
We will resolve by using dataweave and a custom exception class.
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Mule 3 Mulesoft Basics Mulesoft Tutorial

Scatter-Gather In Depth – MuleSoft Tutorial

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MuleSoft Scatter-Gather Scope

In this tutorial we will look at various configuration properties of Scatter-Gather with examples in detail and also see how to handle exception in Scatter-Gather.

Why use Scatter-Gather in Mulesoft:
To achieve parallel processing of multiple flows in mule we can use Scatter-Gather. The routing message processor Scatter-Gather sends a request message to multiple routes concurrently which are configured inside Scatter-Gather and collects the responses from all routes, and aggregates them into a single message. There will be multiple threads created for executing multiple routes simultaneously.
Scatter-Gather can also execute multiple routes sequentially.

Please read Validation Framework to understand how error is generated in the example.
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Mule 3 Mulesoft Basics Mulesoft Tutorial

Caching or Cache Scope – Mulesoft / Mule ESB Tutorial

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Caching In Mule ESB or Cache Scope

In this Mule ESB tutorial we will look into what is caching and why to use it, how can we implement caching in mulesoft project and  configuration properties in Mule Cache Scope/Activity. Also a step by step configuration of mule cache scope/activity and how to cache information retrieved from database. Please refer to Mule Tutorial: Connecting with Database mule tutorial to know how to connect to database in Mule ESB.

What is caching and why to use it?

Caching is a concept with is used to store frequently used data in the memory, file system or database which saves processing time and load if it would have to be access from original source location every time.

For example: We have to create an API to retrieve user information, that has connect to an external database which is on different server and fetch the records. (Assumption: external DB is not changing frequently)
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Mule 3 Mulesoft Basics Mulesoft Tutorial

Understanding Various Mule Flows – Mulesoft Tutorial

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Mulesoft / Mule EBS – Mule Flows Tutorial
Mule Flows

In this mule ESB tutorial we will understand various mule flows in detail with downloadable examples.

Various types of flows in mule

There are 4 types of flows in mule. While creating these flows the flow name should be unique in whole mule project despite beaning in different mule application XML file.


  1. Subflow always processes messages synchronously (relative to the flow that triggered its execution).
  2. Subflow executes in the same thread of the calling process. Calling process triggers the sub-flow and waits for it to complete and resumes once the sub-flow has completed.
  3. Subflow inherits processing strategy and exception handling strategy from the parent/calling flow.

Use – It can be used to split common logic and be reused by other flows.
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Mule 3 Mulesoft Basics Mulesoft Tutorial

Creating Mule Project with RAML – Mulesoft / Mule ESB Tutorial

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Creating Mule Project with RAML

In this Mule tutorial we will learn how to create Mule project with RAML and a detailed walk-through on how the Mule flow works in case of a success or error scenario:

Mule ESB – What is RAML and why it’s used

RAML stands for RESTful API Modeling Language and is similar to WSDL. A RAML provides a structure to an API and also help the client who is invoking the API to know before hand what the API does.

A RAML contains:

  1. Endpoint URL with its Query parameters and URI parameters,
  2. HTTP methods to which API is listening to (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE),
  3. Request and response schema and sample message,
  4. HTTP response code that an API will return (eg: 200, 400, 404, 500). Continue reading
Mule 3 Mulesoft Basics Mulesoft Tutorial

Connecting with Database MySql – Mulesoft / Mule ESB Tutorial

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Connecting with Database MySQL

In this Mulesoft / Mule ESB tutorial of Connecting with Database Using MySql, we will use mulesoft Database Connector and connect it with MySQL DB:

MuleSoft Database Connector using MySQL

The Database connector allows you to connect with database with almost any Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) relational database using a single interface for every case. The Database connector allows you to run SQL operations on database including Select, Insert, Update, Delete, and even Stored Procedures. As of Anypoint Studio May 2014 with 3.5.0 Runtime, the JDBC connector is deprecated, and the Database connector takes on JDBC connection capabilities.
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Tibco EMS

Connecting with Tibco EMS – Mulesoft / Mule ESB Tutorial

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In this Mulesoft / Mule ESB tutorial we will connect with Tibco EMS server Queue and send messages across:

Mule JMS Connector

Inbound – Mule JMS will receive the message and be used with an inbound endpoint.
Outbound – Mule JMS will send the message and be used with an outbound endpoint.

<jms:outbound-endpoint queue="my.queue"/>;

<jms:inbound-endpoint topic="my.topic"/>;

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Tibco EMS

EMS Queues and Topics – In depth

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In this TIBCO EMS tutorial we will understand queues and topics in detail.


Queue uses point to point messaging pattern. Point-to-point messaging has one producer and one consumer per message. Message producer/sender sends a message to the EMS queue and the message consumer retrieves messages from the queue and sends acknowledgement that the message was received.

Delivery Mode:(Persistent, NonPersistent and EMS Reliable Delivery)
Persistent: Message are stored on the disk. In case the EMS server or queue is restored at later point the messages are not deleted.
Storage type: file based, Database and Mstore.
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Tibco EMS

EMS Destination Properties

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EMS Destination Properties

 In this Tibco EMS tutorial we will understand different EMS destination properties.


Authenticate users before giving access to a queue or topic. Only authenticated users can send or receive message from the secured destination.

Syntax: addprop [queue|topic] <<queue|topic name>> secure
Example: addprop topic topic.foo secure

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Tibco Tutorial Tibco Variables

Tibco: Assign Activity VS Mapper

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In this TIBCO tutorial we will understand the use of Tibco Process Variable/Assign Activity over Tibco Mapper Activity with the help of an example.
Process Variable/Assign Activity Vs Mapper Activity

  • The primary purpose of an assign task is to store a variable at a process level. Any variable in an assign task can be modified N times in a process. But a mapper is specifically used for introducing a new variable. We cannot change the same mapper variable multiple times in a project.
  • Memory is allocated to Process Variable when the process instance is created but in case of tibco Mapper the memory is allocated only when the mapper activity is executed in a process instance.
  • Process Variable is allocated a single slot of memory which is used to update/modify the schema thought the process instance execution i.e. N number of assign activity will access same memory allocated to the variable. Whereas using N mapper for a same schema will create N amount of memory.
  • Assign Activity can be is used to accumulate the output of a tibco activity inside a group.

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Tibco File Pallet Tibco Tutorial

File Poller and Write File Activity

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In this tutorial we will learn how to use File Poller and Write File activity and its configuration details. In this File Poller will look for any change in the given floder and Write File will write those details in another file.
File Poller
File Poller is a starter process which polls for files or directories and starts a process when the specified change (creation, modification, deletion) is detected.Write File
Write File activity is used to write content to a file.
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