Category Archives: Tibco Variables

Tibco Tutorial Tibco Variables

Tibco: Assign Activity VS Mapper

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In this TIBCO tutorial we will understand the use of Tibco Process Variable/Assign Activity over Tibco Mapper Activity with the help of an example.
Process Variable/Assign Activity Vs Mapper Activity

  • The primary purpose of an assign task is to store a variable at a process level. Any variable in an assign task can be modified N times in a process. But a mapper is specifically used for introducing a new variable. We cannot change the same mapper variable multiple times in a project.
  • Memory is allocated to Process Variable when the process instance is created but in case of tibco Mapper the memory is allocated only when the mapper activity is executed in a process instance.
  • Process Variable is allocated a single slot of memory which is used to update/modify the schema thought the process instance execution i.e. N number of assign activity will access same memory allocated to the variable. Whereas using N mapper for a same schema will create N amount of memory.
  • Assign Activity can be is used to accumulate the output of a tibco activity inside a group.

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