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Mule 4 Mulesoft Tutorial

Salesforce – Job Info, Batch Info, Batch Result

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In our previous tutorial “CREATE BULK JOB SALESFORCE CONNECTOR” we covered on creating bulk jobs in salesforce via mule 4. In this tutorial to fetch the details related to the job created, like how many records/batches failed, successful records/batches and its number  or current status of the job; we will be using salesforce connector components provided by Mule.

We will be covering following salesforce connector in Mule 4:

  1. Job Info
  2. Batch Info List
  3. Batch Info
  4. Batch result stream
  5. Batch result


Job Info

Salesforce Job Info connector is used to get the details for a particular job that has been created in salesforce. This operation enables you to track the execution status.


On successful execution of the “job info” below in the output:

Configuration –

Output –


Batch Info List

Salesforce Batch Info List connector get information about all batches in a job.


On successful execution of the “job info” below in the output:

Configuration –

Output –


Batch Info

Salesforce Batch Info connector get information about a particular batch inside a job.


Batch Info Parameter should contain Job Id and Batch Id for which details needs to be fetched.

On successful execution of the “job info” below in the output:

Configuration –
We will be sending JobId and id (batch Id) to Batch Info, to retrieve batch details.

Output –


Batch result

Salesforce Batch result connector get the result of the records processed inside a particular batch.


Batch To Retrieve Parameter should contain Job Id and Batch Id for which details needs to be fetched.

On successful execution of the “job info” below in the output:

Configuration –
We will be sending JobId and id (batch Id) to Batch result, to retrieve batch result.

Output –


Batch Result Stream

Salesforce Batch Result Stream connector get the result of the records processed inside a particular batch. Best used when there are huge records result to be pulled.


Batch To Retrieve Parameter should contain Job Id and Batch Id for which details needs to be fetched.
Streaming Strategy can store data in Memory with “Repeatable In Memory Stream” Config and stores data in file with “Repeatable File Store Stream”

On successful execution of the “job info” below in the output:

Configuration –
We will be sending JobId and id (batch Id) to Batch Result Stream, to retrieve batch result.

Output –


Download Mule Project for this tutorial


Official Mule 4 documentation on Jobs and Batch. Link.
Also refer to Bulk API Guide on Salesforce. Link